Know the Law Guide

The numbers say it all: More than 1,200 UI students were charged with alcohol and drug violations last year. Here at Student Legal Services, we don't want you to become one of those statistics. Too often students unnecessarily plead guilty or consent to searches in situations where they are simply confused about what legal rights they can exercise.

Includes information on:

Read the Know the Law Guide

Landlord-Tenant Presentation 

We will go over the responsibilities of both landlords and tenants to help you prevent possible legal issues in the future. We will give you information on how to protect yourself from expensive mistakes or overreaching landlords. 

Contact: Request a presentation here. 
Material/Space Requirements: Projector 
Presentation Length: 60 Minutes 

Availability: We cannot schedule presentations with less than two weeks prior notice. Once we have checked our schedule, our office will contact the listed event coordinator to confirm date and time. We do try our best to accommodate the requested date and time, but we may need to contact the event coordinator to discuss alternative dates/times. 

More Information: