
Joining a fraternity or sorority is a lifelong commitment. The University of Iowa cares about the success of each of our students and organizations. We want to ensure you have good information to help you make the best decision.

The FSL scorecard has been created to help students and families be better informed on the accomplishments and current status of each of our fraternities and sororities. The data is gathered from reporting by each chapter and council, University demographic information, and policy/conduct violations reported to each governing council or the Office of Student Accountability

Click each chapter's name below to see their individual scorecard for the previous academic semester. You can also view complete community reports and archived community reports as well. Please remember that this information is only updated twice a year, and all data is reflective of the academic semester. Other things to note:

Fraternity And Sorority Life Community Information (Fall 2024)

  • Fraternity GPA: 3.114
  • Sorority GPA: 3.365
  • Fraternity and Sorority GPA: 3.265
  • All University GPA: 3.271
  • All University Men GPA: 3.143
  • All University Women GPA: 3.370
  • Fraternity and Sorority Total: 3,590
  • Interfraternity Council Total: 1,420
  • Multicultural Greek Council Total: 92
  • National Pan-Hellenic Council Total: 15
  • Panhellenic Council Total: 2,063
  • Undergraduate Total: 22,745


Should you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to email Fraternity and Sorority Life staff or call us at 319-335-3059. Questions related to hazing or UI conduct violations can be directed to the Office of Student Accountability at 319-335-1162.

Interfraternity Council (IFC)

The Interfraternity Council is a fraternity-only governing council comprised of 16 chapters, which range in membership size from 16 to 163 members and have an average chapter size is 51 members. There are 12 chapters with chapter structures.

Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)

The Multicultural Greek Council is a governing council for Latinx-, Asian-, and LGBTQ-based fraternities and sororities. There are currently 4 sororities and 1 fraternity, which range in membership size from 2 to 30 members. You will find more of an emphasis on community service when compared to philanthropic fundraising among our MGC fraternities and sororities.

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

The National Pan-Hellenic Council is a governing council for our historically, not exclusively, African-American fraternities and sororities. There are currently 2 fraternities and 2 sororities, which range in membership size from 2 to 7 members. You will find more of an emphasis on community service when compared to philanthropic fundraising among our NPHC fraternities and sororities.

Panhellenic Council (PHC)

The Panhellenic Council is a sorority-only governing council comprised of 14 chapters, which range in membership size from 21 to 175 members and have an average chapter size is 135 members. There are 13 chapters with chapter structures. You will find more of an emphasis on philanthropic fundraising when compared to community service opportunities among our PHC sororities.