Resource Manual

FSL Resource Manual

Resource Manual

University and local contact numbers

Chad Warrick

Alicia Hein

William Keen

University Police: 

  • Emergency: 911
  • Non-Emergency: 319-335-5022

Iowa City Police: 319-356-6800

Department of Public Safety : 319-335-5022 

UIHC Emergency Room: 319-356-2233

State Fire Marshal: 515-725-6145

Knowing the contact information for your chapter and or organization is critical. Please obtain this information and fill in your chapters information in your physical copy. 

Position Name Phone Number
Chapter President    
Chapter Vice President    
Chapter Advisor    
Regional/National Headquarters Contact    
House Manger    
House Director    

Chapter Transition Checklist

Please remember that a successful transition is not only the glue that will hold your organizations together from year- to-year but also continues to move the chapter in a positive direction. Please remember that all the following tips may not pertain to your chapter, but most are relevant and important for most chapters.

For a successful transition, below is a list of responsibilities for outgoing officers:

Be sure to do the following:

  • Discuss your organization’s history (successes and failures, strong and weak characteristics, etc.)
  • Review University of Iowa policies and procedures
  • Review your organization’s constitution, mission statement, and officer responsibilities (if old information needs updating, now is a great time to do that!)
  • Review and pass on old records (including meeting agendas and minutes), binder(s), files, notebooks, copies of documents, emails, used for advertising past events, and correspondence (Pass along everything you have.)
  • Review officer job descriptions and written expectations for each new officer regarding their role and responsibilities (offer advice on past successes and mistakes)
  • Share and review your organization’s calendar (and any important annual events that non-exec board members might not know about, i.e. leadership training events, university meetings, council meetings, and/or budget and bill deadlines)
  • Share and review your organization’s annual budget (what bills are still outstanding?), evaluations for projects and events, achievements, and mistakes
  • Pass along rosters, update alumni information, mailing lists, computer passwords, bank accounts, contracts, keys, addresses, phone numbers, emails, etc.…
  • Sit with your incoming officers and help them plan their first courses of action over their first few months
  • Change Engage (Campus Labs) portal information and give administrative/officer access to new officers.
  • Introduce officers and share contact information to key contact people, especially your chapter’s advisors, university advisors, and headquarters staff.
  • Explain officer role(s) in organization and meetings
  • Complete the Annual Report together

Incoming Officers First Tasks:

  • Develop a master calendar with meetings, programs, and events
  • Develop a webpage and/or update current webpage with new officer information.
  • Establish meeting agendas, meeting times, and locations
  • Evaluate with outgoing officers last year’s concerns, achievements, and past goals
  • Establish new goals and prioritize
  • Plan chapter goal setting at next meeting
  • Utilize Fraternity & Sorority Life’s resources
  • Remember to keep well organized and detailed records in the upcoming year so it will be easy to transition when you select new office
Transition Questions for Outgoing Leadership

Below is a list of questions and exercises that are important to think about while training new officers:

  1. What was your best experience in this position?
  2. What tips could you give your successor to make things smoother for next year?
  3. Name the administrators/staff/advisors you found to be helpful in your
  4. What did you find most difficult in this position?
  5. What was the best resource you used in this position?
  6. Which offices/departments/student groups did you co-sponsor with that worked well?
  7. Please list any projects or ideas you were developing that you would like to see
  8. Name one thing you wished you knew when you started the
  9. What are some things you wish you would have accomplished during your term?

Fraternity and Sorority Training and Education

The Chapter Officer Training Series is a resource for chapter officers to meet two goals; to better prepare chapter officers to successfully self-govern their community and to connect student leaders with influential campus and community partners. This training is designed to provide a small group experience led by compelling facilitators expertly trained within their respective fields.

Any officers or members interested in officer positions are welcome to attend any, some, or all of these sessions.

Mandatory Education and Trainings
Date & TimeTopicFacilitatorAudienceLocation
August 24, 2024 Welcome Back MeetingFSL StaffChapter Presidents, Council OfficersBlack Box Theater
Prior to Recruitment/IntakePNM OrientationFSL Staff and Council LeadersPotential New MembersVarious
After Recruitment/ IntakeNew Member AcademyModules on IconNew MembersICON—due one month after distribution of Gold Card. 100% New Member Completion Required
After Recruitment/ IntakeTiered Violence Prevention EducationWRAC/RVAP StaffAll MembersVarious
Once per yearChapter-wide Alcohol and UStudent WellnessAll ChaptersVarious
Chapter Compliance Forms and Due Dates
Chapter Roster Adjustments Completed
(Returning Members)
 Fall Semester: August 31st
Spring Semester: January 31st
Chapter Roster Adjustments Completed
(New Members)
 Fall Semester: November 14th
Spring Semester: April 14th
FSL Programming Fee AssessedAssessed to member accounts via U-BillFall Semester: September 1st
Spring Semester: February 1st
Fall Semester: November 15th
Spring Semester: April 15th
Chapter Officer Transition Engage FormCampus Labs EngageFirst Day of Spring Semester
Chapter Coaching Engage FormCampus Labs EngageOne week prior to Spring semester
Confidentiality Document Signed copy due at ADVANCE
Fraternity & Sorority Life Award ApplicationsCampus Labs EngageDate determined each Spring semester
Summer Chapter Housing FormCampus Labs EngageLast day of Spring Semester
Chapter Individual & Community Grade Reports ReleasedEmailed to Chapter PresidentDepends on Grade Release from institution
Membership Intake Packet See Packet
Alcohol and UStudent HealthEvery year
Violence Prevention EducationVarious, TieredEvery year
PNM OrientationRecruitment/Intake OrientationPrior to Recruitment/Intake


Fraternity and Sorority Life Mission

To best serve the members of our community and the University of Iowa at large, the staff of Fraternity & Sorority Life is dedicated to living out our mission statement.

Our mission:

Through collaboration with students, international organizations, alumni, the Division of Student Life, Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of Iowa fosters a holistic college experience by providing opportunities for belonging, serving, leading, thriving, and success. These opportunities are based on our strategic outcomes: support, health and safety, and inclusion.

Fraternity & Sorority Life works with chapters and the governing councils to promote the success of our defining opportunities: Belong, Serve, Lead, Thrive and Succeed. These five opportunities have been outlined by our unit as the foundation of healthy and successful fraternity and sorority chapters and advance the missions of each of our chapters. The defining opportunities are in line with the Division of Student Life and further values and goals of the University of Iowa. Below is a description of each of the defining opportunities and how they align with the Division of Student Life and the University of Iowa.


We all want friendships that are true, that are real, that are more than college acquaintances. Iowa Fraternity & Sorority Live presents the opportunity to belong to something big, something important, something unforgettable, and something that will last throughout life.


We all want to contribute to the greater good. We all want to matter. Iowa Fraternity & Sorority Life provides the opportunity to serve our campus, our community, and our world in ways that make a real impact.


We all want to leave a legacy in our own way. We all want to feel the respect of our peers and the appreciation of our friends. Iowa Fraternity & Sorority Life offers the opportunity to lead, to influence, and to guide our organizations and our community.


We all want a college experience that is academically successful, but we also want to build collegiate memories that are rich with tradition, full of real relationships, and a sense of personal fulfillment. Iowa Fraternity & Sorority Life challenges its members to not settle for the average college doldrums, but instead to flourish as a fully engaged student.


We all want to graduate, get a job, and have a successful career, but that’s easier said than done. Iowa Fraternity & Sorority Life connects its members to the largest and most successful support network available to Hawkeye students. Our alumni are positioned all over the globe and are committed to helping us succeed as professionals and as members of a productive society.

FSL staffing structure and responsibilities

Fraternity & Sorority Life at University of Iowa is supported by four professional full-time staff members who serve the organizations & individual members of the Fraternity and Sorority Life community. The staff works with all governing councils, students individually, fraternities and sororities organizations, and inter/national organizations that support the success of fraternal organizations. The Fraternity & Sorority Life Community is also supported by multiple campus partners, who share our goal of uplifting our organizations.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff Main Areas of Responsibility

Chad Warrick

  • Provide administrative oversight and strategic direction to the UI Fraternity & Sorority Life (FSL) Community, consisting of 40+ chapters and 3,200+ students.
  • Supervise three Professional & Scientific staff members and graduate students who provide advice, programmatic coordination, and fiduciary oversight of the four governing councils – Interfraternity, Multicultural Greek, National Pan-Hellenic, and Panhellenic Councils.
  • Serve as the UI liaison to chapter/graduate advisors, alumni/ae advisors, housing corporation board officials, house directors, and inter/national headquarters representatives. Coordinate and assess FSL Strategic Plan and FSL Alcohol Harm Reduction Initiatives.
  • Establish and maintain the traditions and values of UI Fraternity and Sorority Life while also creating culture change to advance FSL at Iowa.

Alicia Hein

  • Serve as the advisor for the Multicultural Greek Council/National Pan-Hellenic Council
  • Advise the Order of Omega
  • Supervises student staff and graduate practicum student
  • Co-Teaches LS:1021 Current Issues and Leadership in Fraternity and Sorority Life
  • Coordinate the branding and social media of Fraternity and Sorority Life
  • Facilitate the approval of MGC/NPHC growth and intake processes
  • Serves on the Late-Night Programs Grant Funding Committee
  • Serves on the On Iowa! Multicultural Programming Committee

William Keen

  • Serve as advisor to the Panhellenic Council/National Pan-Hellenic Council
  • Supervises the summer student staff
  • Co-Teaches LS:1021 Current Issues and Leadership in Fraternity and Sorority Life
  • Oversees office and council programs and events

Council and chapter support

Services provided to chapters

  • Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff
  • Training, advising, and mentoring to the governing councils and chapter membership
  • Advising on recruitment/intake to the councils and individual chapters
  • Chapter/organization coaching and support provided by FSL staff in conjunction with university campus partners
  • Training education for executive councils, chapter leadership, advisors, and sorority/fraternity housing partners through educational sessions
  • Extensive advising and support for new groups on campus
  • Student organizations resources as available to all registered student organizations
  • Annual Awards program to reward chapters and individuals for achieving excellence

Membership expectations

Operating as a Fraternity or Sorority at the University of Iowa is a great privilege. With that privilege comes many benefits that we hope will help your organization to thrive. These benefits create opportunities for leadership, growth and development, healthy and safe environments, and the creation of an inclusive community. With these benefits and opportunities come certain expectations and responsibilities.

It is your responsibility as leadership for your organization to understand these policies and guidelines, including how to enact them within your own chapter. Lack of information is not an excuse for lack of compliance. If at any point, you have questions about any of these policies or guidelines, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any FSL staff.

It is the expectation that all organizations abide by both University of Iowa policies and Fraternity and Sorority Life operational guidelines. Those two sections are outlined below:

University of Iowa policies 

  • UI Code of Student Life
  • UI Alcohol Policy
  • UI Hazing Policy
  • Arrest and citation policy
  • UI Operations Manual
  • Student Organization Business Office (SOBO) Policies

Fraternity and Sorority Life Operational Guidelines

  • General Expectations 
    • Follow the standards and trainings of your prospective organization and evaluate how they coincide with University of Iowa policies
    • Comply with: 
      • University policies
      • Fraternity and Sorority-specific guidelines and policies
      • Council specific constitutions, bylaws, and guidelines
      • Well Being Philosophy Statement
      • FSL Member Code of Ethics
    • Chapters agree to: 
      • Chapters to fully initiate their new members and hold any new member presentations/bid days by established deadline
      • Chapters will attend council meetings and financially support their governing council.
      • Chapter officers will read and understand the governing council’s constitution and bylaws and guidelines and their individual chapter’s constitution and bylaws.
      • Support Council programming
      • Presidents will inform the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life of any emergencies or serious situations.
    • Administrative Expectations 
      • Turn in required membership intake and/or recruitment information as relevant for your organization
      • Secure a chapter advisor that focuses on the daily operations of the chapter
      • Chapter will maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records at all times
      • Chapter will pay both FSL Programming Fee dues and council specific dues by the due date outlined or risk facing loss of organization recognition
      • Chapters will maintain an up-to-date roster with Fraternity and Sorority Life 
        • These updates must be made during designated update periods
        • This roster will be used for all official University events (attendance, programming fee, disciplinary concerns, etc.)
      • Chapters will turn in the following for the FSL scorecard: 
        • Number of service hours performed and who received the service at the end of each semester
        • Dollars raised for charity and who received it at the end of each semester
        • Assessment information for each chapter per Assessment Evaluation needs.
      • Chapters will turn in the Chapter Officer Transition Form after chapter elections
      • Utilize the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life web site for updates, calendar, forms, stats, etc.
      • Attentive to important dates and email updates
      • Chapter will secure a house director if the chapter has a structure
    • Meetings/Trainings Expectations 
      • Attend training sessions, education sessions, round tables, monthly President Meetings, All Council, etc.
      • Chapters to fully initiate their new members and hold any probates/bid days by established deadline
      • Chapter Presidents will have regularly scheduled meetings with their council advisor.
      • Council officers and Presidents will attend President meetings monthly.
      • Chapter presidents and council officers will attend beginning of semester trainings including Welcome Back Meeting and ADVANCE
      • Position specific trainings (judicial board, new member educators, etc.)
      • Chapter officers will attend designated training sessions for Presidents or assign others to attend.
    • Education Expectations 
      • Complete required ICON training modules and all other required education and training
      • 100% completion of Violence Prevention Education each year
      • Alcohol and U completion each year

Fraternity and Sorority Life Member Code of Ethics

In order to honor the founders of the organizations we joined; maintain a standard of excellence; support the goals and initiatives of the University of Iowa; as leaders and people who represent something larger than ourselves; to ensure our actions lead toward the betterment of the global community; preserve the integrity our ourselves, families, organizations and the University of Iowa; ensure membership in our organization remains a desirable and honorable affiliation; and to protect our organizations, ourselves, families, and the University of Iowa from harassment, ridicule, scandal or legal liability, I do voluntarily agree to observe the following rules of conduct;

  1. To respect and comply with the laws and ordnances of the United States, state of Iowa and city of Iowa City, University of Iowa policies, Fraternity and Sorority Life Guidelines and Operating procedures, and Council constitutions and bylaws
  2. To remain subject to the authority of the Council of which my organization is a member, Fraternity and Sorority Life and the University of Iowa
  3. To respect our elected/appointed leaders and support them in conducting chapter and/or council business
  4. To present myself publicly in a way that reflects character beyond reproach by: 
    • Obeying the law;
    • Exercising good manners;
    • Refraining from acts of violence and criminal conduct;
    • Exhibiting respect for other fraternity and sorority organizations by avoiding demeaning remarks or ridiculing them;
    • Wearing identifiable paraphernalia only if conduct or circumstances will bring no negative repercussion to my organization or to the University of Iowa
  5. To demonstrate the regard for the health and well-being of our brothers, sisters, and siblings by: 
    • Avoiding derogatory, demeaning, and insulting remarks;
    • Being polite, kind, honest, fair, and conciliatory;
    • Assisting with the special needs of those who may require it
    • Maintaining confidentiality;
    • Refraining from acts of hazing; reporting its occurrence to the appropriate authority
    • Abiding by and actively supporting official chapter, council and university decisions even in the events of personal disagreement.
  6. To work diligently to foster the programs of the organization of which I am a member and to participate fully in meetings and conferences to enhance personal knowledge and improve my organization’s effectiveness.
  7. To maintain integrity in financial matters relating to my organization by: 
    • Remaining current with all dues and financial obligations;
    • Following accepted financial procedures;
    • Avoiding the co-mingling of personal and organizational funds;
    • Utilizing the tax-exempt status only as legally permitted;
    • Expecting the financial officers will maintain records, make them available for inspection, and pass them on to succeeding officers and/or chapter Advisors;
    • Reporting the misappropriation of organizational funds and/or property to the appropriate authority and taking the necessary action to protect or retrieve funds and/or property belonging to the organization.
  8. To invite for organizational membership only those community minded people of high ethical and moral standards and character who value the positive goals of my organization

I shall remain cognizant that others will judge the values and principles of my organization and the University of Iowa by my personal behavior and conduct. Furthermore, should I attain a leadership position in my organization or on the governing council, that requires me to be an official spokesman or public representative, I understand that my conduct must rise to the highest standard. Should my behavior compromise my organization’s image or the reputation of its members, I shall relinquish my position either of my own volition or when instructed to do so by my Chapter or council. In promising to obey these rules of conduct, I acknowledge that the preservation of my organization and existence of the fraternal and sororal experience at the University of Iowa, depends on my compliance.

Adherence to guidelines and expectations

These policies and operational guidelines are expectations of all Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations at the University of Iowa. Failure to comply with these policies and guidelines could result in suspension of university privileges, disciplinary accountability and/or removal of recognized organization status.

Failure to comply with Fraternity and Sorority Life Guidelines and Expectations within the same semester:

Step 1: Letter from FSL staff member to president and advisor detailing lack of compliance and reminder of expectations of the organization.

Step 2: Letter from FSL staff member to president and advisor detailing lack of compliance and reminder of expectations of the organization. The president and advisor will also have to meet with an FSL staff member within 14 business days of receiving the letter. During this meeting, the staff member will go over expectations, why those expectations exist, and clarify any questions or concerns. The president and advisor will also be informed that if the fraternity or sorority should not comply again, the chapter will lose the ability host events for the remainder of the semester.

Step 3: Letter from FSL staff member to president and advisor detailing lack of compliance and reminder of expectations of the organization. This letter will also include a withdrawal of organization privileges associated with hosting any public facing programs or events. The chapter will still be considered an active student organization; however, it will not be able to host programs until the following semester. During this time, it is expected that the chapter membership work together to better understand the expectations of being a fraternity and sorority organization. Additionally, the chapter will have to submit a plan to the council’s advisor for how it will address following guidance and expectations moving forward.

Please note, that all student organizations are subject to the Policies and Regulations Affecting Students. Lack of adherence to these policies could result in suspension of university privileges, disciplinary accountability and/or removal of recognized organization status.

FSL Programming Fee

Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of Iowa assesses a Programming Fee to individual members of all officially recognized FSL organizations on campus regardless of council affiliation. This fee will be charged to individual students’ UBill accounts based on sorority and fraternity membership.

The fee will supplement the funds that the University of Iowa already dedicates towards the members of sorority and fraternity life. FSL will be using these funds towards the following:

  • Educational programs
  • Leadership development opportunities
  • Prevention and wellness programming
  • Staff support from Fraternity and Sorority Life

The programming fee is assessed based on the following fee structure:

  • National Pan-Hellenic Council $25.00/member/semester
  • Multicultural Greek Council $25.00/member/semester
  • Panhellenic Council $50.00/member/semester
  • Interfraternity Council $50.00/member/semester

Additional details can be viewed in FSL's Financial Breakdown from FY25. Please note these percentages are rounded for the purposes of this document. FSL Programming Fees are separate from council dues.

In the case where a student is incorrectly billed due to the fraternity or sorority organization failing to update its roster by the stated date, the student will be refunded and the organization will be charged (IFC/PHC- $50 per student; NPHC/MGC- $25 per student).

Learn more about the FSL programming fee here

Chapter Structure Capacities & Addresses

To view a map of chapter structure click here.

OrganizationHouse CapacityPhysical AddressCity, State, Zip Code
Alpha Chi Omega46828 E. Washington St.IOWA CITY, IA 52240-5241
Alpha Delta Phi24703 N. Dubuque St.IOWA CITY, IA 52245-1920
Alpha Delta Pi51111 E. Bloomington St.IOWA CITY, IA 52245-6202
Alpha Epsilon Pi271032 N. Dubuque St.IOWA CITY, IA 52245-1608
Alpha Phi 49906 E. College St.IOWA CITY, IA 52240-5558
Alpha Sigma Phi20716 N. Dubuque St.IOWA CITY, IA 52245-1919
Alpha Xi Delta42114 E. Fairchild St.IOWA CITY, IA 52245-6241
Beta Theta Pi26816 N. Dubuque StIOWA CITY, IA 52245-5811
Chi Omega60804 Iowa Ave.IOWA CITY, IA 52240-5218
Delta Delta Delta55522 N. Clinton St.IOWA CITY, IA 52245-6219
Delta Gamma60305 S. Summit St.IOWA CITY, IA 52240-3221
Delta Tau Delta34308 Ridgeland Ave.IOWA CITY, IA 52246-3734
Delta Zeta31223 S. Dodge St.IOWA CITY, IA 52240-5142
Gamma Phi Beta64328 N. Clinton St.IOWA CITY, IA 52245-6276
Kappa Alpha Theta53823 E. Burlington St.IOWA CITY, IA 52240-5113
Kappa Kappa Gamma66728 E. Washington St.IOWA CITY, IA 52240-5239
Lambda Chi Alpha20222 N. Clinton St.IOWA CITY, IA 52245-1703
Phi Gamma Delta34303 Ellis AveIOWA CITY, IA 52246-3706
Phi Kappa Psi 363 N. Riverside Dr.IOWA CITY, IA 52246-2314
Pi Beta Phi45815 E. Washington St.IOWA CITY, IA 52240-5242
Pi Kappa Phi18332 Ellis AveIOWA CITY, IA 52246-3705
Sigma Phi Epsilon31702 N. Dubuque St.IOWA CITY, IA 52245-1919
Sigma Pi40630 N. Dubuque St.IOWA CITY, IA 52245-1915
Tau Kappa Epsilon 320 Ellis AveIOWA CITY, IA 52246-3705
Zeta Tau Alpha36815 E. Burlington St.IOWA CITY, IA 52240-5113

Fraternity and Sorority Life Program Awards

Fraternity and Sorority Life hosts an annual Fraternity & Sorority Life Awards in collaboration with Hawkeye Excellence Awards that celebrates the accomplishments and excellence of our chapters and members. Below is a description of each award. Please visit Fraternity and Sorority Life’s Engage portal for award applications.

Click here to view awards and their descriptions/requirements.

Council Contact information: 

Interfraternity Council Contact Information:

Multicultural Greek Council Contact Information 

Panhellenic Council Contact Information 

National Pan-Hellenic Council contact information 


Guide to university resources 

CategoryWho (Department)OfficesPhone
Absences due to illnessInstructorVaries 
Class Absences (prior/after class)InstructorVaries 
Emergency Notification and HospitalizationStudent Care and Assistance132 Iowa Memorial Union319-335-1162
Academic and Student Support
AdvisorAcademic AdvisorVaries 
Academic Support and Retention (ASR)University College108 Calvin Hall319-467-1561
Office of AdmissionsTours, visits, scholarships2900 University Capitol Centre319-335-3847
Tutor IowaSupplemental instruction, tutoring108 Calvin Hall319-467-1561
University RegistrarStudent Records 319-384-4300
Undergraduate AdvisingAcademic Advising CenterC210 Pomerantz Center319-353-5700
Writing Center 110 English Philosophy Building319-335-0188
Auto Accident (on campus)University Police808 University Capitol Centre319-335-5022
Auto Accident (off-campus)Iowa City Police410 E. Washington Street Iowa City, IA319-356-6800
Emergency (on campus)University Police808 University Capitol Centre911
Emergency (off-campus)Iowa City Police410 E. Washington Street Iowa City, IA911
Injury-MinorStudent Health4189 Westlawn South319-335-8370
Injury-MajorUniversity of Iowa Hospital and Clinics (UIHC)Emergency Room- 200 Hawkins Drive911
Campus Activities 
Afro-American Cultural Center 303 Melrose Ave319-335-8296
Asian Pacific American Cultural Center 223 Lucon Drive319-335-2719
AthleticsTicket OfficeCarver Hawkeye Arena1-800 424-2957
Latino Native American Cultural Center 308 Melrose Ave319-335-8298
Leadership, Service and Civic EngagementStudent Orgs, Service, Leadership trainings, etc.157 Iowa Memorial Union319-335-3059
Pride Alliance Center 601 Melrose Avenue 
Recreational ServicesIntramurals, CRWC309 S. Madison Street​319-335-9293
Student Engagement and Campus ProgramsCampus programs, traditions, engagement advising157 Iowa Memorial Union319-335-3059
Campus Partners/Services
Office of Access and SupportCampus outreach, TRIO2750 University Capitol Centre, Suite 3719319-335-3555
Dean of StudentsStudent care and assistance135 Iowa Memorial Union319-335-1162
Financial AidScholarships, work study2400 University Capitol Centre319-335-1450
Information Technology Services (ITS) 2800 University Capitol Centre319-384-4357
Office of Civil Rights Compliance 455 Van Allen Hall319-335-0705
Office of Student AccountabilityStudent conduct and education203 Iowa Memorial Union319-335-1527
Parking and TransportationParking passes, CAMBUS100 West Campus Transportation Center319-335-1475
Pomerantz Career Center C310 Pomerantz Center319-335-1023
Student Disability Services 141 University Capitol Centre319-335-1462
Student Legal Services G115 Iowa Memorial Union319-335-3276
Student Life CommunicationsMarketing, publications, photosIMU319-335-3117
Student Wellness CRWC319-335-8394
University Counseling ServiceIndividual and Group Counseling, education, stress management3223 Westlawn S319-335-7294
University Housing and Dining 4141 Burge Hall319-335-3000
University of Iowa Center for AdvancementAlumni engagementLevitt Center319-335-3305
Women’s Resource and Action Center (WRAC) Bowman House, 230 N. Clinton St.319-335-1486
Event Planning
IMU Event ServicesSpace reservations, EMSIMU319-335-3114
CateringCatering for campus events237 IMU319-335-3116
Facilities Management 200 University Services Building319-335-5500

Office of Student Accountability 

The Office of Student Accountability is dedicated to encouraging responsible community behavior, educating UI students, and facilitating accountability in situations where violations of the Code of Student Life have occurred.

When incidents happen, primarily on campus, and UI students are involved, our office is the main university entity that works with students to resolve disciplinary matters. We also ensure that students receive fair treatment in all hearings. Students, faculty and staff who believe there has been a violation can contact the Office of Student Accountability to discuss options available for reporting incidents to the appropriate authorities. Office staff can assist victims of assault or harassment by a University student, and they can also direct you to educational programs on a variety of related topics.

The Office of Student Accountability is located in 203 Iowa Memorial Union and can be reached by phone at 319-335-1527 or email at

Code of Student Life 

In order to maintain a safe campus where students can meet the IOWA Challenge, the University of Iowa has adopted the Code of Student Life. The Code of Student Life sets forth standards of student behavior and conduct necessary for the maintenance of a campus where ideas are freely exchanged, University property and processes are safeguarded, and conflicts are peacefully resolved. More...

Misconduct Procedure 

The University of Iowa’s Student Misconduct Procedure is designed to provide a process to investigate and resolve alleged violations of University policies by students. The student misconduct system is not a substitute for the civil or criminal court system. More...

Responsible Action Protocol 

A student who calls for or seeks emergency assistance on his/her own behalf or on behalf of a student experiencing an alcohol or other drug related emergency will not, in most cases, be subject to status sanctions such as disciplinary probation or suspension under the Code of Student Life. More...

Dean Clearance Letters 

The Office of the Dean of Students (DOS) and Office of Student Accountability provides reference letters upon request to undergraduate students wishing to transfer from the University of Iowa to another institution. More...

Responsible Action Protocol 

A student who seeks emergency assistance for themselves or on behalf of a student experiencing an alcohol or other drug related emergency will not be subject to disciplinary measures including, removal from a course, enrollment restrictions in a course or program, disciplinary reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion, or contract cancellation from University Housing & Dining under the Code of Student Life. However, the Office of Student Accountability may require completion of alcohol and/or other drug education/counseling. The Office of Student Accountability may also notify the student's parents of the alcohol or drug violation.

Scope of Protocol

The Responsible Action Protocol applies to students who seek and obtain emergency assistance on their own behalf or on the behalf of another student for a medical emergency related to use of drugs and/or alcohol. When a student does the following, the caller may not be subject to disciplinary action for violating University alcohol and/or drug rules.

The student must:

  1. Be the first person to seek medical assistance, before a university staff member, law enforcement officer, or emergency medical personnel. Provide their name and contact information to law enforcement and/or medical personnel. Stay until assistance arrives or is provided. Cooperate with medical personnel or law enforcement.
  2. An "emergency" communication is a timely contact with 911 or University Housing & Dining staff when those staff members are not yet aware of the situation. The Responsible Action Protocol does not apply to individuals who telephone friends for assistance, for example, or who experience an alcohol or drug-related emergency that is first discovered by University employees or public safety officials.
  3. In most cases, neither the student requiring emergency assistance nor an individual or group who assists will be subject to punitive University disciplinary action. Students who repeatedly violate the Code of Student Life in regard to alcohol and other drugs may be required to complete alcohol education in order to remain in good disciplinary standing.
  4. In some instances, the Responsible Action Protocol may not apply to the caller if they purchased, supplied, or otherwise made available the alcohol or drugs contributing to the student needing medical assistance. Such instances will be examined on a case-by-case basis and will take into account the severity and the degree of responsibility for the circumstances.
  5. If a representative of an organization hosting a registered event calls for medical assistance, this act of responsibility may mitigate potential disciplinary consequences that could arise against the organization (i.e., the fact that an organization representative sought help may be considered in potential sanctioning of the organization for policy violations).
  6. The protocol applies to the Code of Student Life as well as certain situations involving people under the age of 21, including those receiving citations for the Possession of Alcohol Under the Legal Age, Possession of a Fake ID, as well as arrests for Public Intoxication. See information pertaining to the Iowa Medical Amnesty Bill for more information regarding law enforcement agencies and similar protocols which provide individuals immunity from charges and/or prosecution under the law.
  7. The Responsible Action Protocol applies only to alcohol and other drug-related medical emergencies. It does not apply to other prohibited behavior such as disorderly conduct (including physical or verbal abuse), property damage, or distribution of controlled substances.
  8. When a Reporting Party, Responding Student, third-party reporter, or witness to an incident of sexual misconduct participates in a good faith report, the Office of Student Accountability will not pursue disciplinary violations related to the impermissible drug or alcohol use against any of the involved student(s). To encourage reporting and participation in the process, University of Iowa maintains a policy of offering parties and witnesses amnesty from minor policy violations – such as underage use of alcohol or the use of controlled substances – related to the incident.

A student who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of a sexual misconduct incident should not be reluctant to seek assistance for that reason. In addition, law enforcement authorities in Johnson County have a policy of not pursuing charges for improper use of alcohol against a victim of sexual assault.

Requirements of Protocol

Students considered for the Responsible Action Protocol are required to meet with a staff member from the Office of Student Accountability or University Housing & Dining following the incident. When one student seeks emergency assistance on behalf of another student, both students may be required to meet with the staff member. After evaluating the situation, the staff member may refer either or both students to a behavioral health consultant for assessment, education, and/or possible referral for treatment. Students who are referred for substance abuse counseling, education, or treatment, but fail to complete the program requirements, will be subject to disciplinary action.

Even if disciplinary action is not taken, the Office of Student Accountability reserves the right to notify the student's parents, per standard practice. In accordance with the Discipline Records Management protocol, a case file will be maintained for reference should subsequent alcohol or other drug violations occur. In those subsequent cases, staff members will take into account the previous emergency incident when considering sanctions

Policies and regulations affecting students 

2023-2024 Academic year - current 

The Office of Student Accountability is dedicated to encouraging responsible community behavior, educating UI students, and facilitating accountability in situations where violations of the Code of Student Life have occurred. When incidents happen, primarily on campus, and UI students are involved, our office is the main university entity that works with students to resolve disciplinary matters. We also ensure that students receive fair treatment in all hearings. Students, faculty and staff who believe there has been a violation can contact the Office of Students Accountability to discuss options available for reporting incidents to the appropriate authorities. Office staff can assist victims of assault or harassment by a University student, and they can also direct you to educational programs on a variety of related topics.

Nutrition / Exercise

  • Intuitive Eating Workshops: We offer free 4-week workshops on Inftuitive Eating. 
  • Eating Disorder Network: a collaborative group of health professionals from across the University of Iowa campus that have come together to offer services for the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. 
  • Food Pantry at Iowa: Free service for any student, faculty or staff
  • Click here for "Learn to Cook" videos.
  • Weight Management Clinic: a group of health professionals from the University of Iowa that have come together to offer services to those struggling with weight concerns

Sexual health 

Student Health provide a variety of services related to sexual health for all registered University of Iowa students. Some of our services include:

  • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing and treatment
  • Prescription and non-prescription contraception
  • Emergency contraception
  • Annual exams for women
  • Free condoms
More sexual health resources and information:
Alcohol and Drug Support

Student Wellness
Phone: 319-335-8394

Student Wellness provides consultations on alcohol and other drug use. Confidential consultations are available with our substance abuse counselor or health educators for any questions you may have or issues you may be experiencing.

Student Wellness does not offer treatment for substance use dependence, but can refer to an agency in the community if treatment is needed.

UI Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) includes an environment that is supportive to the therapeutic and educational needs of Iowa students who are in any stage of recovery from addiction, from considering changes to abstinence. The CRP provides support through community building, social support, and substance-free activities. The CRP includes two ways for students to get involved:

  • Success, Not Excess provides a small, safe and supportive space for UI students wanting to make or considering changes in their alcohol or other drug use.
  • Strength in Numbers is a student organization dedicated to creating an inclusive community that promotes social activities and events that do not involve drugs or alcohol. The mission of Strength in Numbers is to offer alternatives for students to connect with their peers. Email to learn more.

Red Watch Band is an interactive and educational program that gives students free alcohol bystander training and CPR/AED training.

UI Alcohol Harm Reduction Plan includes information on alcohol initiatives on campus and outcomes

External resources:

Mental Health Support 

University Counseling Service 

  • University Counseling Service is a confidential office that provides mental health services to students free of charge, as well as psychoeducational programming and outreach services to support mental well-being, nurture student success, and contribute to an inclusive and safe campus community.
  • Services include individual, group, and couples therapy; psychoeducational programming, and consultations to address a range of mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, suicide prevention, substance abuse, eating disorders, trauma, loss/grief, identity development, and relational concerns.
  • Practicum and internship training for students in doctoral-level psychology or master’s-level social work academic programs.

Seashore Psychology Clinic

  • A division of the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa, the Seashore Psychology Clinic offers a wide range of psychological services for individuals in the community. The clinic is a training center for graduate students working toward their doctoral degrees in clinical science and is a setting for clinical research. Graduate students conduct their assessments and therapy under the close supervision of the clinical science faculty and clinic staff psychologists. Please note that all sessions are video-recorded. This is for supervision and training purposes and to ensure that all clients receive the highest-quality services.
  • We offer individual psychotherapy for children and adults as well as parent-management training. We also offer general psychological assessments as well as assessments for learning disorders and IDD waivers. We also perform gender-affirming evaluations.

LGBTQ Counseling Clinic

  • The LBGTQ Clinic, in the College of Education, is staffed with couple and family therapy and counseling psychology doctoral students who provide services to LGBTQ individuals, families, and the community. The clinic provides services including assessments, letters of support, and ongoing individual, couple, and family therapy. All services are free of charge.
  • Psychosocial assessments and letters of support for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and gender affirming surgery (GAS). Ongoing individual, couple, and family therapy to anyone who identifies as LGBTQ, their families, and the community at large

University of Iowa Resources 

External Resources

Sexual Assault/Violence Prevention 

The Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCR)

  • The Title IX and Gender Equity Unit (TIXGE) in the Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCR) coordinate the university's response to reports of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, including dating/domestic violence, and stalking when those reports involve members of or visitors to the university community. Whatever your connection—whatever brings you to this website—you are not alone as you seek to address the problems you're facing. And we are here to assist.
  • Complainant Options:
    Learn about campus and community resources, download a copy of the Resource and Referral Guide, or view a map of local agencies and offices that can help.
  • Report a Problem:
    Report an incident to university administration with our online form.
  • Mandated Reporter Defined:
    Find out if you have reporting responsibilities as an A/AO or a CSA, read about A/AO reporting responsibilities.

Women’s Resource and Action Center (WRAC)

  • WRAC offers free, confidential mental health services to students, faculty and staff, with particular focus on people of color, LGBTQ+ folks. Our providers offer identity-affirming and conscious therapy.
  • Services: 
    • Individual counseling, confidential advocacy for harassment, discrimination, abuse, and violence

Sexual Misconduct

Bystander Intervention and Engagement resources 

Registration and criteria for Greek-lettered organizations 

Registration of student organizations

The University of Iowa, through the Vice President for Student Life (hereinafter, "vice president"), has delegated the responsibilities and obligations of registering student organizations to the Student Organization Review Committee (i.e., on behalf of the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership and Recreational Services) (SORC) and to deans of academic colleges. The SORC is a team of students and staff that determines the approval or denial of the application for registration. Registration of a student organization by the University does not constitute an endorsement of its program or its purposes, but is merely a charter to exist.

Organizations must abide by all local, state, and federal laws. An organization’s goals, objectives, and activities must not deviate from established University policies and procedures. Because participation in student organizations may enhance a student’s educational experience and the University deems this important to our students’ success, registered organizations are entitled to certain privileges and benefits.

The University shall not deny benefits or privileges available to student organizations based on the viewpoint of a student organization or the expression of the viewpoint by the student organization or its members, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. In addition, the University shall not deny any benefit or privilege to a student organization based on the student organization's requirement that the leaders of the student organization agree to and support its beliefs, as those beliefs are interpreted and applied by the student organization, and to further its mission.

  • Benefits of Registration: 
    1. Registration as a University organization;
    2. Establishment of an account in the Student Organization Business Office (SOBO), Fraternity Business Service, or Recreational Services and appropriate purchasing privileges in accordance with University policies
    3. Eligibility to apply for funds from mandatory Student Activity fees (i.e., for student organizations) or Recreational Services fees (i.e., for sports clubs)
    4. Inclusion in appropriate University publications
    5. Utilization of the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership’s (LEADERSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT) Engage software (funded by UISG & GPSG)
    6. Utilization of the University’s trademarks in accordance with the UI Trademark Licensing Department’s program and policies
    7. Eligibility for use of campus meeting facilities and outdoor spaces
    8. Eligibility, but not the right, to utilize UI Fleet Services vehicles in accordance with state and University policies, procedures, guidelines, and insurance requirements
    9. Eligibility, but not the right, to utilize University staff and programming resources
    10. Eligibility, but not the right, to utilize Information Technology Services Mass Mail once each semester
    11. Eligibility to apply for awards and honors presented to University registered organizations and members
    12. Eligibility to apply for Student Organization Office Suite (SOOS) or Student Activity Center (SAC) office space and/or storage space.
  • Achieving and Renewing Registration 
    1. In order to exercise the privileges accorded to registered student organizations, students interested in starting a new registered student organization must first write a constitution for the potential student organization and hold a Pre-registration meeting with the appropriate LEADERSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT staff, BEFORE filing the New Organization Registration Form online through Engage. This form includes organizational information and the organization’s Constitution and Bylaws. Upon receiving this information, the LEADERSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT staff will review it and submit it to the Student Organization Review Committee (SORC) for consideration. If approved for registration, the SORC will assign the appropriate registration tier (see below).
    2. Eligibility/Registration Requirements 
      • Any group or organization which consists of and maintains at least 80 percent University students, whose purposes are consistent with the educational objectives of the University, and do not violate local, state or federal law, is eligible for registration by the University. To start a new registered student organization, the organization must consist of and maintain at least five (5) individuals as members, of which four (4) must be currently enrolled UI students.
      • Membership and Leadership. It is the policy of the University that all registered student organizations be able to exercise free choice of members on the basis of their merits as individuals without restriction in accordance with the University Policy on Human Rights. The University acknowledges the interests of students to organize and associate with like-minded students, therefore any individual who subscribes to the goals and beliefs of a student organization may participate in and become a member of the organization.

Membership and participation in the organization must be open to all students without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (unless the organization is exempt under Title IX), pregnancy, disability, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, service in the U.S. military, sexual orientation, gender identity, associational preferences, or any other classification that deprives the person of consideration as an individual. The organization will guarantee that equal opportunity and equal access to membership, programming, facilities, and benefits shall be open to all persons.

The University shall not deny any benefit or privilege to a student organization based on the student organization’s requirement that the leaders of the student organization agree to and support its beliefs, as those beliefs are interpreted and applied by the student organization, and to further its mission.

The University will not investigate complaints related to student organization leadership selection processes or final leadership selection by organizations that select their leaders on the basis of a commitment to a set of beliefs or affirmations. These selection processes are defined and enforced by individual student organizations and the university shall respect the organization’s decision-making process.

Membership in a student organization must be composed primarily of UI students (minimum 80% student membership) and be controlled and directed by UI students. Members are individuals who self-select to join an organization; “membership” is different from the audience a student organization targets, serves, or represents. The “audience” is not automatically considered a part of the organization’s membership. Only UI student members shall have voting rights in a student organization. Membership is not open to persons under the age of 18 who are not enrolled UI students. Non-university community members who are at least 18 years of age may participate in the activities of student organizations but may not be voting members. If the student organization desires to allow persons under the age of 18 who are not UI students to participate in the activities of the student organization, the student organization must follow the requirements contained in the Youth Programs Policy Manual for RSOs, including that the youth participant must have permission to participate from a parent or guardian.

As some University services and benefits require knowledge of a student’s membership in the student organization requesting the service or benefit, all organizations are encouraged to have a full membership roster on file with the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership via Engage. For example, if a member of a student organization wants to request approval to drive or ride in a university vehicle for an organization event or activity, that member must be listed on the organization’s full membership roster located on Engage.

The student organization must be nonprofit in nature; student organizations affiliated with for-profit businesses are not eligible for registration. Student Representatives and student organization members must not profit or benefit financially from student organization membership.

  • Primary and Secondary Student Representatives. Student Representatives are individuals who are authorized by the organization to speak for or represent the organization in its relations with the University and who are authorized to receive for the organization official notices, directives, or information from the University. Every student organization or potential student organization, registered with the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership/Recreational Services/academic deans via Engage must include the names of two student representatives in its Org Profile. Both Representatives must be currently enrolled UI students, and in academic and non-academic good-standing. One name will be designated as the Primary Representative and the other as the Secondary Representative. It is the responsibility of each student organization to update the Org Profile with the current names of Student Representatives. A student organization no longer under the direction of currently enrolled students may lose its registration.
  • Access to University Resources. Registered student organizations are guaranteed an equal opportunity to apply for funds from mandatory Student Activity fees (i.e., for student organizations) or Recreational Services fees (i.e., for sports clubs) or for any other benefit conferred by the University of Iowa Student Government (UISG) or Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) or their constituent bodies, without differentiation for reasons that violate the University Policy on Human Rights or inhibit the group’s exercise of First Amendment rights of free expression and association. Nothing in this section shall be construed to create or guarantee any expectation of the receipt of funding or other benefits from UISG and/or GPSG and/or Recreational Services by any student organization or to prohibit the individual consideration of the program merits of funding or other proposals submitted by such student organizations.
  • Registration Procedure. Throughout the year on an ongoing basis, the University will consider applications from student organizations that request to be registered. Registration of student organizations is granted by the Student Organization Review Committee (i.e., on behalf of the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership and Recreational Services) or an academic dean. Registration granted for sports clubs, and fraternities and sororities are subject to additional policies administered by their respective department or student governance organization(s). In order to receive funds from mandatory Student Activity fees (i.e., for student organizations) or Recreational Services fees (i.e., for sports clubs), a student organization must be confirmed by the UISG and/or GPSG or Recreational Services. Greek-letter social organizations are registered by the University of Iowa Interfraternity Council (IFC), Panhellenic Council (PHC), Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), or the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC).


  1. To start an organization one must follow the step-by-step process listed on the “Starting an Organization” website.

    Registration of student organizations that are residential living units (i.e., residence hall organizations, fraternities, and sororities) is granted by their respective student governance organization (i.e., Associated Residence Halls [ARH], Interfraternity Council [IFC], Multicultural Greek Council [MGC], National Pan-Hellenic Council [NPHC], and Panhellenic Council [PHC]) with the concurrence of the vice president.

    The Student Organization Review Committee (SORC) shall review all student organization registration applications. Upon its evaluation, the Committee will register the student organization and forward the organization’s application to the appropriate student governance organization or college/department/unit for confirmation; 2) register the organization subject to specific conditions on activities the organization is permitted to sponsor; or 3) reject the application. If an application is rejected the organization may appeal the decision of the SORC within 30 calendar days upon the receipt of their denial of registration letter. Appeals must be submitted in writing to either the Director of the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership (i.e, for student organizations) or the Director of Recreational Services (i.e., for sport clubs). If an organization appeals and is not satisfied with the decision rendered by the Director of the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership or the Director of Recreational Services they may then submit a final appeal in writing to the Dean of Students. There is no further appeal after the Dean of Students.
  • Constitution and Bylaws. In order to complete the registration process, all student organizations must have an approved constitution and bylaws. Sponsored and affiliated student organizations (see Section 8, Registration Tiers) must also provide a copy of the charter, constitution, and/or bylaws of any organization external to the University with which such organization may be affiliated. Student organizations are required to include mandatory clauses within their organization constitutions.
  • Registration of Inter/National Chartered Organizations. In addition to observing all University rules, an organization that is chartered by an inter/national organization, such as a Greek-letter social fraternity or sorority, must maintain its affiliation with the inter/national organization in order to retain its University registration. University registration will cease when the inter/national organization no longer recognizes or sponsors the student organization as an active organization. In this situation, the organization is no longer eligible to affiliate with their respective student governance organization, to participate in activities sponsored by the governance organization or its member organizations, or to access the privileges granted to registered student organizations. Once the inter/national organization has officially returned the student organization to affiliation status, the student organization representatives may apply to the University and the respective student governance organization for registration, although re-registration is not guaranteed. When the University removes registration of a student organization for violating University rules but the organization remains affiliated with the inter/national organization, the student organization will not regain their University registration by virtue of their relationship with the inter/national organization.
  • Housing Organizations. Student organizations that provide off-campus housing to their student members are considered Housing Organizations. These include Professional Residence Groups, fraternal organizations with a professional focus that are recognized by an academic college, and Undergraduate Residence Groups, which includes Greek-letter organizations that are affiliated with their respective student governance organization.
  1. In addition to all other student organization policies, Housing Organizations must fulfill the following expectations due to the level of responsibility and complexity involved in the service they provide:
    • Manage their housing unit;
    • Enforce internal organization rules;
    • Ensure that relevant national, state, and local laws and regulations are observed;
    • Provide safe and healthful lodging and cooperate with city or state agencies responsible for enforcing applicable health and safety laws; and
    • Observe relevant University policies in their housing facilities, including the Anti-Hazing Policy and the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
  2. Housing Organizations are eligible for the same privileges granted to registered student organizations which do not provide housing.
  3. The responsibility for the regulation and governance of professional fraternities that maintain chapter structures shall be with the Dean of the respective college, including professional fraternities registered by the College of Medicine, the College of Dentistry, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Graduate College.
  4. The possession or consumption of alcohol is prohibited in registered undergraduate residence group housing except where explicitly authorized in writing by the vice president.
  • Governance Organizations.
  1. Registered student organizations are governed by the University of Iowa Student Government (UISG), Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG), or Associated Residence Halls (ARH).
  2. Undergraduate social fraternities are governed by the University of Iowa Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, or the Multicultural Greek Council, which may establish, consistent with the University Policy on Human Rights, additional rules and regulations for recognition of new fraternities, membership selection standards, and standards of conduct.
  3. Reviews. In order to determine whether a student organization is in compliance with a student governance organization regulation or policy, University officials may from time to time review the organization’s record. Information gathered as part of the review may include, but is not limited to, the following: aggregate grade point averages, membership figures, financial reports, internal rules and policies, insurance coverage schedules, educational programs for members, safety and security precautions, compliance with relevant municipal ordinances and state laws, and complaints to the Iowa City police.

Community Service Hours

Dance Marathon 

  • Hours volunteering at the hospital and with the child/family outside of the hospital, will count as the full hours for community service (ex: 5 hours of volunteering at the hospital will count as 5 hours, etc.).
  • Serving as a Morale Captain, Lime Captains, Family Representative or as a participant in the Big Event will not count as community service hours, as this is a philanthropy event.
  • Hours spent as a volunteer (ex: working check-in, bag check, etc.) at the Big Event shall count as no more than half of the required community service hours per person (2 out of 4 hours can be counted).

Summer hours 

  • Hours completed over summer break can count towards hours categorized as the fall semester. Hours volunteered over the summer months (last day of spring finals through the first day of fall classes) must be submitted by September 15th in order to count towards a chapter’s total.
  • Unpaid internships are educational/professional experiences meant to supplement what you are learning in class and build your resume. Therefore, these will not count as community service.
  • Working summer camps that are unpaid can count to a maximum of 56 hours per week (7 days x 8 hours per day) depending on the length of the camp. If submitting several weeks or mass amounts of hours (50+ hours) further reflection, information, and valid contact information must be provided for approval. A relative will not count as an appropriate person to validate the hours.
  • Hours completed on mission trips (or similar) will need additional documentation, reflection, and information. A relative will not count as an appropriate person to validate the hours.

Winter break hours

  • Hours completed over winter break (last day of fall classes to first day of spring classes) will count towards hours categorized as the spring semester. These must be submitted by February 15th in order to count towards a chapter’s total.
  • Hours completed on mission trips (or similar) will need additional documentation, reflection, and information. A relative will not count as an appropriate person to validate the hours.

Alternative Spring Break 

  • Unless cleared by the VP of Philanthropy and Community Service, FSL Advisor, and Alternative Spring Break Advisor, Alternative Spring Break Trips will be capped at 8 hours per day for the days the member is doing service. (ex. Three days of service for 8 hours per day can be reported at 24 hours of service)
  • Additional projects (ex. Volunteering at a food pantry in Iowa City) can be submitted separately in addition to the service completed the week of.

Leadership roles/student org. participation 

  • Hours served in a student organization do not count towards the required number unless the hours are spent volunteering at a community service event. Those hours spent planning or organizing a philanthropic event shall be considered participation in a student organization.
  • Hours spent training to perform community service (ex. Alternative Spring Break, Crisis Center Training, On Iowa!, etc.) do not count towards community service. Once actively volunteering on shifts, hours contributed helping others can count towards hours completed.
  • Hours spent in an organization leadership or membership role (Dance Marathon, Students Care, etc.) helping run an organization administratively do not count towards community service. Time spent actively helping others (as community service is defined) can be considered counted. Reference Dance Marathon section for further explanation.
  • On Iowa! Leaders time will be capped at a total of 20 service hours for leader’s time spent throughout the programs. If a leader believes they have volunteered for more hours by signing up for additional events than required, they can provide further reflection and information for those to be considered.

This doctrine is subject to change and will be reviewed at a minimum annually at the beginning of the Spring semester by the newly elected council officers. Note that while our councils have these guidelines in place to best measure our membership’s time spent completing what we deem as community service, your individual chapter’s headquarters standards and guidelines may vary. This may allow you to report more (or less) hours to them and that it will be up to your chapter’s leadership to measure.

This was approved by the following on September 23rd , 2019:

  • Matthew Cooke, IFC Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Service
  • Ellie Rouse, PHC Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Service
  • Meghan Bullard, FSL Advisor for Philanthropy and Community Service

Academic break procedure for Greek housing

During university academic breaks, Fraternity and Sorority Life must be provided with contact information for those residents that will stay in the home over the following academic breaks:

  • Winter Break
  • Spring Break
  • Summer Break

Chapter leadership should send the following information to FSL:

  • Name
  • University ID
  • University Email
  • Phone number
  • Emergency contact information for each resident (name, phone number, email)
  • The information for those staying should be submitted via email to Fraternity and Sorority Life at least 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the break. 
  • The chapter must be in good standing with the university which includes: 
    • Not currently suspended from the University
    • All fire safety requirements have been met during the regular semester inspection

Crisis Guidelines

Campus resources and contact information:

  • Dean of Students Office of Student Care and Assistance: 319-335-1162, 135 Iowa Memorial Union (IMU) – Primary Contact
  • Threat Assessment Program: 319-384-2955, 139 University Capitol Centre
  • Academic Support And Retention (ASR): 319-467-1561, 108 Calvin Hall
  • Office of Access and Support: 319-335-3555, 2750 University Capitol Centre
  • Counseling services: 319-335-7294, 8am – 5pm Monday – Friday, University Counseling Services website
  • CommUnity Crisis Services: 1-855-581-8111Students may contact CommUnity Crisis Services and request an on-call counselor to come to their residence hall room for consultation.
  • Department Of Public Safety (DPS): Available for help in addressing emergencies or difficult situations, 319-335-5022, that is programmed in each phone. There are two types of officers that that we work with regularly, Security Guards and University of Iowa Police.
  • Financial Aid: 319-335-1450, 208 Calvin Hall
  • Fire Department (UIFD): 911. Our building alarm systems automatically notify UIFD when an alarm is triggered.This is the first call you make when a building is evacuating for a fire alarm.
  • Hawk Alert: The Hawk Alert System is used to notify the campus community of threats to physical safety in emergency situations (tornado, violence, hazardous material incident, etc.). Hawk Alert allows UI administrators to send recorded or electronic emergency messages (“Hawk Alerts”) to UI students, faculty, and staff by mobile phone, home phone, office phone, and e-mail (all at once), using contact information from the University’s Enterprise Directory (updated via ISIS or Employee Self Service). The entire campus community can be notified in about 15 minutes.
  • Media: Refer to Leadership and Engagement 319-335-3059. Any request for interviews should be approved by staff from leadership and engagement.
  • Student Legal Services (SLS): 319-335-3276, G115 Iowa Memorial Union. SLS Website
  • The Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCR): Coordinates the university's response to reports of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking (319-335-0705; - if you are working through a student issue (sexual assault, stalking, harassment, dating violence) during business hours, the OCR should be notified and will help you determine follow-up and reporting. If something occurs after hours, make sure to send an email and let them know so that they can help you with follow-up the next day

Roster Procedures

It is critical for Fraternity and Sorority Life to have an accurate report of the members of each organization. This information is used for record keeping, assessing dues, grade reports, and crisis management, as well as many other areas of chapter management. Therefore, each chapter is asked to submit an updated roster at least twice a semester. The rosters will be due by the end of the first week of classes and two weeks before classes end for the semester.

New Members will be added to your rosters after intake and recruitment each semester by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life staff.

Roster management update process:

  1. Go to the roster management website:
  2. Login with your HawkID and password
  3. To add, remove or update a members status:
  • To add a member:
    • Ensure that your new member has completed the required orientation 
    • Follow the steps here to invite a member through the roster management system 
    • Invitations should be issued within 7 days of offering membership 
  • To remove a member:
    • Next to the member’s name on your chapter roster (while signed into the roster management system), click “Current” and change to "former".
    • Fill out the following required questions.
    • Then, choose "Done".
    • Once completed with all members you’d like to update, select Review Changes. After confirming changes are correct, click “Save.”
  • Change member from “New” to “Initiated”:
    • Select “Current” next to the member’s name (while signed into the roster management system), and then toggle from new to initiated.
    • Once completed with all members you’d like to update, scroll down and select Review Changes. After reviewing, click “Save.”


  • How often should I update my roster?
    • Your roster should be updated in “real time,” so anytime a member is removed within the organization, they should be removed on the University’s Official Roster (
  • What if I don’t see a member on my roster?
    • Then they’re not on your Official Roster through the University. They will need to sign a gold card to be added to your chapter’s roster.
  • Do my members have to complete the Pre-Joining Education before being added to our chapter roster?
    • Yes, all students need to complete the pre-joining education before they are send a Gold Card and added to a chapter roster.

Membership status

When updating your roster, please make sure you are maintaining the following status of your members:

  • New Member: A student is a “new member” the semester the student joins the organization. An uninitiated member. The New Member status remains in effect for a complete semester, even if the person is initiated before the semester is complete. For example, if a student is initiated in September or October of the Fall Semester, they will continue to be a new member until the end of the Fall New member status will be changed to members automatically after the grade report is completed each semester.
  • Active Member: A current student who is and initiated member in good standing with the chapter. A student continues to be an active member even if they are study abroad, internship, or co-op for only
  • Inactive Member: A current student who is and initiated member in good standing with the chapter. A student is an inactive member if they are studying abroad, in an internship, or co-op for 1 year or They do not stay on your roster until they are back attending to class on-campus.
  • Removal of Member: Please notify the Office of Fraternity or Sorority Life anytime a member or new member is removed by the chapter and may not

Additional roster information

In addition to information about member status, the Officer Transition Form asks for the following information from the chapter each semester.

  • Advisors’ and Officers’ Contact Information
  • Chapter House Residents, including room and phone number

Inter/national organization

Fraternity and Sorority Life may cross check the official roster on file with the roster of your Inter/ National Organization. If there are discrepancies, we will defer to your Inter/National Roster.


It is the responsibility of the chapter (via the President) to ensure that all rosters are up to date with both the University and the Inter/National Organization

Removing members: 

Members should only be removed from your roaster once they have left the University and are not returning (graduation or transfer) or if they have left the organization completely. Members who are removed from the roster will not be added back in unless under special circumstances as approved by staff. Members should not be removed from the roster for things like study abroad, internships, etc.

Gold Card

Educational record release

I hereby authorize the University Registrar to release specific education record information to Fraternity and Sorority Life, my chapter, and my Inter/National organization, including number of hours earned each semester, date of birth, mid-semester D/F class grade reports, semester grade point average, cumulative grade point average, and any academic honors. The Registrar will not identify classes taken by course name or identify individual class grades, except for mid-semester D/F class grade reports. In publicizing any academic achievements or leadership achievements I earn, I authorize FSL to disclose my chapter membership along with my education record information to the general public. Furthermore, I permit the Office of the Dean of Students to release public crime record information to FSL, my chapter, and my Inter/National organization. I understand that I may revoke this release at any time by writing to FSL.

The purpose for this release is to verify with my fraternity/sorority my eligibility for membership and to aid scholarship program development. FSL calculates fraternity and sorority grade point averages using individual member semester grade point averages. Chapter grade point averages are released to the public without individual members identified and without individual grade point averages identified. The citation/arrest information on individual members is distributed to my chapter in order to aid in membership development and accountability. When chapter citation/arrest rates are released to the public, individual students will not be identified.

FSL will maintain my semester and cumulative grade average information and any public crime record information on file for two years after separation from the University. While on file, the information will be released only to my fraternity/sorority president, current chapter advisor, and Inter/National organization. My fraternity/sorority president or FSL may disseminate the information to appropriate local chapter officers and Inter/National and regional representatives as needed


Anti-hazing compliance 

I hereby adhere to the Code of Student Life and the Policy on Violence prohibit harassment, assault, and other forms of threatening behavior. When threatening behavior takes place within the context of a student organization or club and is directed at a student interested in participating in group activities, sanctions will be imposed upon the group or club as well as the students. Sanctions up to and including de-recognition from the University are imposed upon a group or club when one or more members or associates of the group or club commit an act of hazing.

In addition to institutional sanctions, a person who commits an act of hazing may be subject to criminal sanctions under section 708.10 of the Code of Iowa . The University defines hazing more broadly than the Code of Iowa criminal definition. In applying the anti-hazing policy to individual cases, the following standards will be utilized during the administrative process to determine whether a hazing violation did occur as alleged.

Hazing is any intentional or unintentional reckless action or situation – with or without consent – that endangers a student or creates risk of injury, mental or physical discomfort, harassment, embarrassment, and/or ridicule – whether on campus or off campus – for the purpose of initiation into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in any student organization or team registered by the University of Iowa Student Government or by any other University sponsor.

Acts of hazing include, but are not limited to: compulsory alcohol or drug consumption; physical brutality; psychological cruelty; public humiliation; morally degrading activities; forced confinement; creation of excessive fatigue; required removal or destruction of public or private property; or any other activity that endangers the physical, mental, psychological, or academic well being and/or safety of an individual. Any requirement imposed upon prospective, new, or current members which is not related to the organization's purpose is discouraged and will become the subject of a University investigation once the practice is brought to the attention of the Office of Student Life.

This policy applies to all UI students and all UI student organizations and clubs. Some University programs promulgate anti-hazing policies specifically for students participating in their programs. The Department of Athletics enforces a hazing policy, as does the UI Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council. Copies are available at the respective department offices.

Programming Fee Student Agreement

By joining a fraternity or sorority, you are acknowledging your understanding of and agreement to the following Terms and Conditions. Please read carefully.

Participation in a fraternity or sorority is optional and remains a choice of the student.  As such, by agreeing to become or remain a member of a fraternity or sorority advised by Fraternity and Sorority Life, you agree to pay the programming fee assessed to all students with the amount dependent upon the council of which you are a member.  The programming fee is assessed each semester and applied to your U-Bill. Please review the Billing Policies and Procedures from the University Billing Office to understand financial responsibilities and processes.

Photo release

FSL and which contain my image, and to use and distribute my information for research purposes. The scope of the personal image release includes photographs and/or video files used in whole or in part in any print or electronic media and for any purposes whatsoever, including without limitation, all promotional or publicity uses. I hereby release the State University of Iowa; the State of Iowa; and the Board of Regents, State of Iowa; and their employees, agents, and representatives, from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary right I may have in connection with such use. I understand that all such photographs and/or video files, in whatever medium, shall remain the property of FSL. I have read and fully understand the terms of this release.


Type Full Name (As it appears on University Records)

Note: This will act as your electronic signature 

Date (Ex: 01/21/2020)

Member University ID# (University ID is an 8 digit number listed on your Iowa One card under your name. This is NOT your Hawk ID)

Please select your fraternity/sorority from the drop down list below:

New Member:  Yes/No

Initiated Member Yes/No

Expansion policy

New/Returning Fraternity and Sorority Expansion/Re-Organization/Re-Chartering/Re-Activation Policy


Th University of Iowa recognizes that a strong fraternity and sorority community is a constructive element of campus life.

To be considered for expansion at UI there must be substantial evidence that the proposed organization will positively contribute to the UI Fraternity & Sorority Life community, and to conduct itself in a manner consistent with University, Council, and Fraternity & Sorority Life policies and procedures.

Please note that this document contains the basic requirements for a chapter to colonize at UI. Each council may have specific requirements in addition to the requirements in this document.

To ensure that fraternities and sororities desiring to be registered at UI possess those qualifications deemed necessary for their success and for the continued health of the UI fraternity and sorority community, the following standards and procedures shall apply:

Registration criteria 

Fraternities/sororities wishing to become registered student organization at UI must be a member of the National Panhellenic Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Multicultural Greek Council & the Interfraternity Council, must meet the following criteria:

  • The organization must be affiliated with a parent organization that must show proof of 10 consecutive years of business operations and have undergraduate chapters (not colonies) at ten or more colleges/universities. 

  • The organization must have policies that are congruent with the fraternity/sorority policies of UI. Policy information can be found on the Dean of Students web page (
  • The organization must follow all student organization policies and procedures to become a registered student organization.

Application deadlines 

  • April 1 – application deadline for organizations wishing to start in the fall semester.
  • October 1 – application deadline for organizations wishing to start in the spring semester.

Application procedure

  • Organizations wishing to open/re-colonize/re-organize/re-charter/re-activate chapters at UI must complete the application specifics found in this information packet.
  • Upon receipt of a registration application, the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life, respective staff, and Council members will conduct an initial review. The organization may be asked to provide additional documentation and/or more thorough documentation to support the request for university registration.
  • Once the entire application has been reviewed, Fraternity and Sorority Life will make a final determination and notify the organization of their status.
  • Official start dates will coincide with the beginning of either the fall or spring semester.
  • Upon acceptance, the organization will follow processes for the respective Council.


  • Fraternities and sororities registered by UI are expected to comply with all university policies and procedures.
  • Only undergraduate students, enrolled at UI may affiliate with the registered fraternities and sororities at UI.
  • Newly formed fraternities and sororities must have at least six (6) full-time, active, undergraduate members to begin a registered student organization. Following the first year, all registered fraternities and sororities must have at least six (6) full-time, active, undergraduate members (initiates/new members) on the roster at all times.

Application/Qualification specifics

Each area shall be documented within the application.

  • Declaration of Intent: Submit a written letter from the Inter/national President or Executive Director expressing a desire to form an undergraduate chapter at UI.
  • Constitution and By-laws of the organization.
  • Organization Contact Information - Provide the following: 
    • Inter/national Fraternity or Sorority mailing address
    • Headquarters phone number
    • Headquarters fax number
  • Colonization Coordinator: Provide the name, email and phone of the alumni/ae who will coordinate the colonization effort.
  • Chapter Advisor: Provide the name, email and phone of the alumni/ae who will serve as the primary chapter advisor.
  • Describe the Advisory Board set-up and expectations of the volunteer advisors (chapter meeting attendance, convention attendance, advisor training attendance, etc.) 
  • Outline the requirements that must be met before the colony will be chartered.
  • Provide copies of the following organization policies, procedures and programs: 
    • Academic Policy (GPA, programming and study requirements) 

    • Financial Policies (Dues, New Member Fees, Initiation fees, Chapter Budget)
    • Standards/Conduct Policies and Procedures
    • Leadership Development Program
    • Membership Contract
    • New Member Education Program
    • Intake Process
    • Officer Training Program
    • Recruitment Program
    • Risk Management Policy and Procedures to include Alcohol/Illegal Drugs/Sexual Assault/Hazing
  • Provide a list of the five most recent colonization/chartering to include numbers recruited and chartering dates.
  • Interest Group Roster (if applicable). Roster should include the following information: 
    • Student Name
    • UI University ID

House directors requirement

In the event that any new organization should secure a housing structure, the following memo must be observed regarding the requirement of house directors.

To: Fraternity and Sorority House Corporation Board Officers, Fraternity and Sorority Chapter Advisors, Fraternity and Sorority Chapter Presidents
From: Dr. Tom Rocklin, Interim Vice President for Student Services
Date: April 23, 2009
RE: Required House Directors for UI Chapter Structures

In an effort to raise the level of excellence and accountability within our fraternity and sorority chapters at Iowa, we will require Live-In House Directors for any chapter at UI with a facility/structure beginning with the Fall 2010 semester.

As we invite new organizations to charter/re-charter at Iowa, this has become a requirement upon the occupancy of a facility and one in which we find great value. We believe that our chapters that employ a House Director find the work and support of this staff member to be invaluable to the success of the chapter members and of the chapters. The presence of a House Director can reduce facility damage, ensure repairs and facility issues are handled in a timely manner, assist the House Corporation to ensure compliance with city and county inspections, and serve as a campus resource, mentor, and advisor for the students.

A House Director's primary function is to provide a safe, enjoyable, home-like environment for chapter members. Responsibilities may include menu planning and food ordering; budget control; payroll; supervision of household and maintenance staff; working with and reporting to a House Corporation Board; and assistance in planning and hosting social events. The Director should enjoy relating to collegians, alumni, parents, staff, and university personnel. The House Director may not be undergraduate member of the organization.

There are many models that chapters use to support a House Director and the list of responsibilities and benefits will be determined by each organization. We are happy to provide sample position descriptions at your requests. Please note that we have the following resources available to assist with this requirement:

  • The 2008 House Directors survey of duties and expectations, as well as salaries and benefits comparison
  • Up to date file of potential House Director resumes

Fraternity and Sorority Life will also be exploring the opportunity to post position descriptions within various graduate and professional programs. If your organization does not currently employ a House Director, we ask that you begin to discuss the following questions as you plan for this transition:

  • Where will this chapter staff member live within the facility?
  • Will this require any renovation to this space to make it adequate for this staff member?
  • What will be duties and expectations of this staff member?
  • What will be the salary and benefits/amenities for this staff member?
  • Does this person have to be a member of your organization to serve in this role? Of the same gender as your organization?
  • To whom will the person report (House Corporation, Chapter Advisor) and how will the person be supervised and evaluated?

As you have questions and concerns about this requirement, please work with Fraternity and Sorority Life to assist your chapter/House Corporation and help you appropriately plan for this transition within your chapter.

Appendix A: Common Greek Life Terms 

  • Active: A member who has been initiated into lifelong fraternity or sorority membership and is active at the collegiate level.
  • Alumni (AE): Initiated fraternity or sorority members who have graduated from college.
  • Bid: A formal invitation to join a particular sorority or fraternity.
  • Big Brother/Big Sister: An active member who serves as a mentor to a new member during their new member program.
  • Call: A vocal sound used by members of NPHC and MGC organizations to acknowledge one another.
  • Chapter: The local group of a larger national organization designated by a special name or Greek letters.
  • Continuous Open Bidding/Recruitment: An informal recruitment process that takes place after the conclusion of Formal Panhellenic Recruitment.
  • Formal Panhellenic Recruitment: A series of events given by each sorority that are designed to introduce sorority life to potential new members. Formal Recruitment is scheduled by the Panhellenic Council.
  • House director: A person hired by the housing corporation board to live in the chapter house and supervise the facility.
  • IFC Recruitment: A week-long period in which fraternities and potential new members become acquainted.
  • Initiation: The formal ceremony that marks the beginning of active membership. Each chapter has a different set of initiation requirements.
  • Interfraternity Council (IFC): The governing body of 25 UF social fraternities.
  • International/national headquarters: The central organization of a particular fraternity or sorority.
  • Legacy: A prospective member whose grandparent, parent, or sibling is an alumnus of, or active in, a particular fraternity or sorority. (Please note that most organizations are not obligated to pledge or extend bids to legacies.)
  • Line: Term used to describe the members of a new member class in NPHC and MGC organizations.
  • Membership intake: The process that NPHC and MGC chapters utilize to recruit, interview, select, and initiate new members. The period of membership intake varies, but cannot exceed eight weeks.
  • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): The governing body of the 2 culturally based social fraternities and sororities at UF.
  • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): The governing body for the 18 historically black fraternities and sororities at UF. This is also the name of the national governing body and is sometimes referred to as the Divine Nine.
  • Neophyte: A member of the last line to cross in the local chapter of a NPHC or MGC organization.
  • New member/pledge: A member of a fraternity or sorority going through the new member education/pledging process.
  • New Member Education Program: A period of education when new members learn the history, ideals, and values of fraternity and sorority life. The timeframe varies, but cannot exceed eight weeks.
  • New Member Educator/Membership Intake Chair: The liaison between new members and the chapter. This person is responsible for implementing and monitoring the new member program and preparing new members for initiation.
  • Order Of Omega: Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of Greek organizations.
  • Panhellenic Council: The governing body for the 8 National Panhellenic Conference sororities/women’s fraternities.
  • Philanthropy: A charitable fundraiser sponsored by a sorority or fraternity.
  • Potential New Member (PNM): A college student participating in recruitment.
  • Presentation Show/Probate: The introduction of a line to campus. This is usually the first full step show/ exhibition performed by members of the new member class of MGC or NPHC organization.
  • Prophyte: A neophyte becomes a prophyte after another line is initiated.
  • Recruitment/Rush Chair: An active member of a sorority or fraternity who is in charge of recruitment efforts for the chapter.
  • Recruitment Counselor (GAMMA CHI/ RHO CHI): A trained Panhellenic Council sorority member who has disassociated herself from her chapter during Formal Panhellenic Recruitment in order to counsel and assist potential new members during recruitment.
  • Social: A get-together with another group for a party, dinner, or fun occasion.
  • Stroll or Party Hop: A line dance by members of NPHC or MGC organizations.
  • Step: Synchronized movements using hands, feet, and props (i.e. canes) to create rhythmic beats.  Seen at step shows performed by NPHC groups. 

Appendix B: Policy index

University of Iowa Policies 

Student Organization Policies

Appendix C: Anti-hazing commitment 

I hereby adhere to the Code of Student Life and the Policy on Violence prohibit harassment, assault, and other forms of threatening behavior. When threatening behavior takes place within the context of a student organization or club and is directed at a student interested in participating in group activities, sanctions will be imposed upon the group or club as well as the students. Sanctions up to and including de-recognition from the University are imposed upon a group or club when one or more members or associates of the group or club commit an act of hazing.

In addition to institutional sanctions, a person who commits an act of hazing may be subject to criminal sanctions under section 708.10 of the Code of Iowa . The University defines hazing more broadly than the Code of Iowa criminal definition. In applying the anti-hazing policy to individual cases, the following standards will be utilized during the administrative process to determine whether a hazing violation did occur as alleged.

Hazing is any intentional or unintentional reckless action or situation – with or without consent – that endangers a student or creates risk of injury, mental or physical discomfort, harassment, embarrassment, and/or ridicule – whether on campus or off campus – for the purpose of initiation into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in any student organization or team registered by the University of Iowa Student Government or by any other University sponsor.

Acts of hazing include, but are not limited to: compulsory alcohol or drug consumption; physical brutality; psychological cruelty; public humiliation; morally degrading activities; forced confinement; creation of excessive fatigue; required removal or destruction of public or private property; or any other activity that endangers the physical, mental, psychological, or academic well being and/or safety of an individual. Any requirement imposed upon prospective, new, or current members which is not related to the organization's purpose is discouraged and will become the subject of a University investigation once the practice is brought to the attention of the Office of Student Life.

This policy applies to all UI students and all UI student organizations and clubs. Some University programs promulgate anti-hazing policies specifically for students participating in their programs. The Department of Athletics enforces a hazing policy, as does the UI Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council. Copies are available at the respective department offices.

Appendix D: Fraternity and Sorority Life well-being and Hard Reductions Philosophy Statement 

Enacted Fall Semester, 2020

As values-based organizations, the joint council at the University of Iowa consisting of Interfraternity Council, Multicultural Greek Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and Panhellenic Council have worked together to define our community’s philosophy on well-being and harm reduction. We understand the importance of providing cohesive, connected guidance and programming as a means for foster a culture of care. As a group, we identified four key areas of well-being and harm reduction for our community. They are Mental Health, Consent and Health Relationships, Alcohol Consumption and Culture, and Late Night Programming.

General philosophy:

  • The safety of our members is our number one priority, particularly regarding the use of protective strategies while consuming alcohol
  • Members are expected to abide by state and federal laws as well as policies laid out by the University and member’s specific councils
  • Members are expected to foster a culture of care and support through strategies such as bystander intervention and utilizing the Good Samaritan Policy as well as any other relevant resources

Mental health:

Our community faces several growing challenges as time goes on. Students find themselves overwhelmed with commitments, unaware of the resources available to them, uncomfortable reaching out, utilizing unhealthy coping mechanisms, and feeling alone in their challenges. It is important to address and provide support to students experiencing mental health challenges:

  • Resources will be shared and provided to students in an easy, safe, and comfortable manner
  • Members will work to reduce stigma around mental health and build a culture of care. This is done with the validation of everyone's experience and providing safe spaces for peers to feel comfortable sharing their needs. This includes male-identifying members of our community who might find themselves having difficulty reaching out due to the history of societal pressure placed on those who identify as male
  • Our community works to increase care and resources that are culturally specific, as there is currently a lack of minority representation in the resources available
  • Use of healthy coping mechanisms for stress or other strains are encouraged. This includes providing adequate opportunities for community members to learn about and practice healthy coping skills

Consent and healthy relationships:

Within the Fraternity and Sorority Life community, we recognize the influence that relationships have on the college experience. It is important that educational efforts and resources are provided that encourage knowledge and skill building around consent and healthy relationships:

  • Members are expected to build a culture of care and accountability for fellow members within our community
  • Members are expected to consistently reinforce the concept and practice of consent
  • The community will work together and with campus partners to break down stereotypes and stigma by discussing and acknowledging the many different types of relationships that can exist between people
  • The community will work to foster the understanding that men, women, and nonbinary individuals may be victims of sexual violence and harassment and provide a space for all experiences
  • Joint councils and chapter leadership will work with campus partners to provide resources for sex education that encompass all sexualities and identities
  • Members are to be provided and work to foster safe spaces to create conversations about consent and healthy relationships

Alcohol consumption and culture:

We understand the importance of reducing high-risk alcohol consumption, fostering a culture of care, and supporting those in our community who choose not to drink:

  • Members are to be provided with safe and honest spaces to have conversations about alcohol use with staff and peers
  • Members will remain judgement free, supportive, and respectful of the personal choice of those who choose not to consume alcohol
  • Opportunities for group alternatives to drinking, such as Late Night Programs, are critical to provide throughout the academic year. These events are hosted by the joint council as well as campus partners, and allow for relationship building outside of alcohol consumption
  • Members are encouraged to take advantage of the educational opportunities provided to the community by staff and campus partners. It is vital that our members have the knowledge and tools necessary to protect themselves and others. Topics include individual and group protective strategies, bystander intervention, and policies around alcohol use

Late Night Programming

Late Night Programming is an alcohol harm reduction strategy to delay onset of alcohol use in low-risk drinkers and provide spaces for high-risk drinkers to choose an alternative activity. Fraternity and Sorority Life receives funding to put on Late Night Programming for community members. Our goal is to change the narrative and encourage participation within our community by:

  • Joint councils will work together and with campus partners to offer more accessible, relatable, and consistent programming
  • Joint councils and chapter leadership will promote the benefits of Late Night Programming and share the view of it as a positive outlet rather than fostering negativity around the concept
  • Joint councils and chapter leadership will engage community members who may not be in leadership positions, to see what they would be interested in attending rather than expecting or requiring people to come to what we planned

In Summary:

As a joint council, we expect members of our community to live their values daily and uphold this philosophy within the community and outside of it. We encourage members to share this philosophy with peers outside the community to create a broader culture of care and embrace these points in all facets of their life on campus.