Workshop Options

University Counseling Service

University Counseling Service (UCS) is available to design and implement presentations, programs, or workshops on a wide variety of mental health topics for students, faculty, and staff. UCS staff members are also trained as consultants to work with groups to identify and work toward more effective personal, interpersonal, and organizational functioning. Let us know how we can help!

Iowa Hillel House

Hillel is an amazing way to meet all kinds of people. We have a wonderful building right on the edge of campus with phenomenal lounges, a Judaic library, a chapel, an industrial-sized Kosher kitchen and dining room, a fully-featured game room with pool, air hockey, foosball, and table tennis, as well as plenty of study space. We're able to use all this space in addition to myriad locations on campus and in Iowa City to bring you a truly diverse set of programs – and we have big plans for this year! We also have many students who plan their own programs and events, so if you’re interested in starting, planning, or co-sponsoring a program/event, we’d love to make it happen; we're always looking for new ideas!

UI-PSP ( Pain Management, Substance Use-Disorders, Palliative Care)

Pain Management, Substance Use Disorders, Palliative Care (PSP) is an organization dedicated to educating students, faculty, and other healthcare professionals about policies and issues associated with pain management, palliative care, and substance use disorders. We provide services and outreach programs to strengthen and educate our community, peers, and patients in those fields.

2020-2021 PHC Education & Workshop Updates

In the Fall of 2020, PHC passed new bylaws regarding education and workshops. Changes include: increasing the percentage participation requirement to 90% and adding a new form of pre-approved education referred to as “individual projects”.

Academic Support and Retention

The Office of Academic Support & Retention facilitates academic workshops focusing on a variety of topics that are available to student groups, student organizations, university departments, and course instructors. Each interactive workshop is about 45-60 minutes. Currently, workshops are available for the following content areas

Student Legal Services

The mission of Student Legal Services is three-fold: To provide high-quality free legal advice and legal representation to University of Iowa students, to educate the student body on their legal rights and to advocate for their interests, to provide meaningful internship opportunities for law students to gain experience assisting underserved populations. 

University of Iowa Department of Public Safety

The UI Department of Public Safety offers several free and low-cost training programs to those affiliated with the UI community.

Violence Prevention Team

Browse the available workshops and trainings related to bystander intervention, healthy relationships, self-defense, consent and more.

Financial Literacy Services

Financial Literacy Services staff are available to present to your group or student organization. Presentations can be tailored to your group's specific needs.

Pomerantz Career Center

The University of Iowa Pomerantz Career Center is a world-class facility with a national reputation for excellence.