order of omega


Order of Omega was founded at the University of Miami in 1959 by a group of outstanding fraternity men, who felt that individuals in the Greek community should be recognized for their service to the fraternity community and the University. The idea of an honorary for fraternity men at the University of Miami is attributed to Parker F. Enright, the advisor to fraternities at the time. Enright was later to accept a position at the University of Pittsburgh. He was also responsible for the founding of the Omega Chapter at the University of Pittsburgh in the spring of 1964.

The original constitution was approved by the Organizations Committee at the University of Miami on April 14, 1959, the recognized founding date. The first member class was initiated the following fall.

The Chapter of Miami had long desired for their organization to expand to other colleges and universities. The Chapter gave its sanction to Dean Patrick W. Halloran to make initial inquiries and to further grant charters to universities that were accredited and interested in the purpose of Order of Omega.

On February 9, 1967, a Chapter was chartered at the University of Southern Mississippi. Order of Omega voted to become a co-ed organization in the spring of 1977. There are now almost six hundred chapters in the United States and Canada with approximately ten new chapters being chartered each year.

Considering the age of the American college fraternity, the “active honorary” concept was long overdue. There must continue to be a common means by which the most outstanding fraternity men and women can stand united to further the philosophy of the college fraternity.

To learn more about the Order of Omega nationally, click here.

University of Iowa 

Order of Omega was established on Iowa's campus January 8th, 1982 and is the Delta Beta Chapter of Order of Omega. The Delta Beta Chapter of Order of Omega recognizes the amazing leaders in our Greek community while providing opportunities for members to continue making an impact. The chapter meets once a month, and pushes members to strive in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and service. The Delta Beta chapter unites all four councils through professional development, community outreach, and service. We honor the values of our chapters, FSL community, and university throughout the year.

Qualifications & Application

To be accepted into Order of Omega, an individual must:

  • Have a 3.2 GPA or above
  • Have completed 60 semester hours in college (Junior or Senior Status)
  • Have a passion for leadership and service

Order of Omega Hall of Fame

The Order of Omega Hall of Fame was created in 2016 to recognize 150 years of contributions fraternity and sorority members have made to the University of Iowa. A recognition ceremony is conducted annually to recognize Iowa FSL Alumni for their dedication to the Fraternity and Sorority Life Community at Iowa.

The Hall of Fame nominations will be selected by a committee of Order of Omega executive members, general members, and Fraternity and Sorority Life staff based on the following criteria: 

  • Distinguished service to their fraternity/sorority or interfraternal community
  • Dedication and commitment to the University of Iowa, Iowa City area, and the State of Iowa
  • Exemplary contributions to community reflecting the pillars of the University of Iowa Fraternity and Sorority community (Friendship, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service)
  • Celebrated lifelong achievements

Hall of Fame Inductees

2024-2025 Executive Board

Joe Headshot

Joe Hammer

Meredith Headshot

Meredith Monson

reese headshot

Reese Rosenmeyer

emma headshot

Emma Weilbrenner

Vice President