Below you will find a list of all the organizations that have been approved to (re)establish a chapter at the University of Iowa, along with contact information for each organization. 

Interested in establishing a new organization? Check out our Expansion and Return Policy.

Click on the organization names to see their national websites and learn more about the organizations.

Expansion Schedule
Chi Sigma Tau National Fraternity, Inc.Kyle Thatchcst.sketch@gmail.comFall 2024MGCFraternity
Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.Sergio Muñozmos1.svp@gmail.comFall 2024MGCFraternity
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.Keniese Evanskeniese.evans@gmail.comFall 2024NPHCSorority
Delta ChiAlex Hartahart@deltachi.orgSpring 2025IFCFraternity
Sigma Tau GammaAdam Kowalskiakowalski@sigtau.orgFall 2025IFCFraternity