Our Mission

"We, the Interfraternity Council (IFC), exist to advance conditions conducive to the success of its member chapters and to promote the progress of the fraternity experience. With this aim, the IFC actively encourages interfraternalism and collaboration with other fraternity/sorority governing councils and student governance bodies. Maintaining a positive working relationship and partnership with the campus administration, alumni, NIC and inter/national headquarters of member chapters is critical toward elevating the role of the IFC."

Community History

The story of the University of Iowa Fraternity and Sorority Community started in 1866 with Beta Theta Pi, as the first fraternity on campus. We are proud to celebrate more than 150 years of tradition, brotherhood, and the ability to further develop young men to become better leaders.

This community has since grown, now having 14 chapters within the Interfraternity Council. Allowing these chapters to impact the lives of more than 1,000 men. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the governing body of all 14 of our chapters.

2025 Executive Board

Kyle Lawrence
Pinned content, custom sorted.

Kyle Lawrence

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Patrick Dunn

Vice President of Leadership & Education
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Isaac Johnson

Vice President of Philanthropy & Community Service
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Thomas Knudsen

Chief Justice
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AJ Moss

Vice President of Recruitment
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Will Naour

Vice President of Academic Achievement
Theodore Retsinas

Theodore Retsinas

Vice President of Public Relations & Marketing
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Carter Rial

Vice President of Finance & Operations
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Connell Sassen

Vice President of Risk Reduction & Management
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Matthew Senneff

Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion