IFC Recruitment FAQs

We all recommend that the best way to find the right fit is to talk to as many people as possible early on so you can narrow them down to your favorites closer to the end of recruitment. Ask yourself who you are and who you want to be and find the chapter that will help you in that endeavor. We have several chapters and there is definitely a place for you!

No worries, we all understand that joining a fraternity isn’t for everyone. You are more than welcome to drop out of the recruitment process anytime. We do hope you hold out though- there are so many things fraternities have to offer when you give it a chance. If you are unsure if this semester is right for you, then you can always end up going through recruitment again the following semester!

Obviously, most people will talk about their own chapter first and why they are different. But we truthfully don’t have a perfect chapter on campus, which is why we have many chapters to choose from. We are all different and unique in our own ways with different focuses, philanthropies, majors, backgrounds, etc.  

We have an anti-hazing policy in place here at the University and take hazing seriously. Furthermore, we participate in multiple initiatives to stop hazing, including Hazing Prevention Week. Click here for more information on our Anti-Hazing Policy and more harm reduction initiatives.

If you get initiated into an IFC fraternity, you are not able to join another social fraternity. However, you can join an academic or service fraternity and still be in a social fraternity.  

Just because you show up to someone’s events, does not mean that you will be extended a bid. But on the other hand, just because you go to someone’s events and you do get a bid from them, you do not have to accept their bid.  

One of the greatest arguments for joining a fraternity or sorority is that it satisfies the fundamental need to belong. Joining a fraternity or sorority will help to connect you to a group of peers with similar values. Feeling connected will make you more satisfied with your college experience and therefore more likely to succeed and graduate. The Fraternity and Sorority Life website and the chapter advisor and/or FSL staff are great resources to help address the concerns of your parents.

MGC Recruitment FAQs

There are currently 5 chapters in the Multicultural Greek Council. Learn more about each chapter and see their local websites here

Each organization has its own time commitments and we encourage taking on leadership roles to promote building connections on campus with student organizations and other fraternities and sororities. In general, we equate being in a fraternity or sorority with the equivalent of a 3 credit hour class.

No, each organization is welcoming of folks from all backgrounds and identities. Though our organizations are founded to support Latinx, Asian/Asian American, and LGBTQ+ members, they are not exclusive to those identities.

Membership dues/fees may include local and national membership dues and other one-time fees such as initiation or new member fees. We encourage all students looking to join to talk with the organization about their finances. The average costs for each council can be found here.

Take some time to fill out the MGC interest form. That lets us know you are interested! From there, do your research on our council, our community, and FSL as a whole. Make sure to attend the MGC Orientation as it is mandatory for anyone looking to join. You can also learn more about next steps here

NPHC Intake FAQs

The best way to express interest in joining an NPHC organization is by attending chapter programs, events, and community service projects. Each organization/chapter hosts a variety of educational, social, and philanthropic events on and off campus throughout the year, and by showing up and participating, you are letting them know you are interested in their organization. In addition, some organizations (not all) have interest/informational meetings, that allow you to gain more knowledge about their organization/chapter, and express interest in their fraternity or sorority.

Being a legacy of any Greek-lettered organization does not automatically guarantee membership in the organization. Some organizations have special sections on membership intake paperwork where you can indicate whether you are a legacy or not, while others do not have policies regarding legacies. Often, it is advised to proceed through programs and interest meetings/rush without many members knowing about your legacy status. Remember that discretion is important with NPHC intake, so please exercise that concept in multiple areas, including sharing information about legacy status.

Like many organizations on campus, you get what you put into it. Depending on how involved you would like to be with an NPHC organization is up to you. Our NPHC council is small, so participation from each organization is more needed than other Greek councils on campus. It is always important to keep in mind why you joined in the first place, and hopefully, it was to make a difference on our campus while representing your organization in a good manner. So, it would be important to dedicate as much time as you can evenly between all members which would allow sustainability and visibility of your organization.

There can be a lot of personal and professional development built into being in an NPHC organization that will benefit you beyond your undergraduate years. From creating a network with alumni/graduate members to attending conferences that allow you to build professional social skills. There are many leadership opportunities within each organization that give you the opportunity to practice skills needed for the path you choose after college and allow you to have personal experiences that allow for personal reflection.

Each organization has a specific semester hour requirement that can range from 12-30 semester hours. With that being said, many people join after their first year of college, but depending on what organization interest you, there is the ability to join your second semester of your first year.

The National Pan-Hellenic Council hosts a celebratory event in which individuals who have become members of their organization present themselves to the community. New member presentations happen at the end of a chapter’s intake process and include new members sharing information about the organization they joined and celebrating their “reveal” as members of their organization with other fraternities and sororities.

It depends on what you are looking for. You want to join an organization that will help you grow and help you reach your current and future goals as well as enhance your college career. You want to look for an organization where you can see yourself in and where you fit in best. It is important to look for an organization that aligns with your vision and that helps your reach your full potential. It is very important to do your research on all organizations that interest you to get a feel of which organization is best for you.

PHC Recruitment FAQs

Visit www.mycampusdirector2.com and fill out the entire registration (including paying the registration fee. Make sure to use your UIowa email to register and make sure you received the confirmation email. Any questions can be directed to gc-phc-recruitment@uiowa.edu.

This means that they have noticed you plan on attending the University of Iowa this fall, and they are hoping you will register for Primary Recruitment! You are welcome and encouraged to follow them, DM them with questions, etc! We also encourage you to follow @iowaphc on Instagram to ensure you are up to date with new information! If a chapter or member follows you, it doesn’t mean you are guaranteed a bid to that chapter, or anything like that! It simply means you are on their radar, and they want to get to know you! If you ever feel uncomfortable regarding contact with a chapter or chapter member, please email gc-phc-recruitment@uiowa.edu. with questions and concerns!

Letters of Recommendation from active/lifetime members may help chapters get more background knowledge of PNMs and understand who they are on a deeper level. However, each chapter has different rules and practices when it comes to recommendation letters. Submitting these to chapters will never hurt but are not necessary. Each chapter’s national headquarters should have a way for alum to submit these letters online, but if not, you may email the letter to gc-phc-recruitment@uiowa.edu and let us know which chapter it should be sent to!

Mutual Selection refers to the idea that chapters select which PNMs they want to talk to again, and PNMs select which chapters they want visit again. This decision is two sided and therefore mutual.

When someone tells you to “maximize your options” they are referring to attending every single event on your schedule and selecting any chapters you have left in your pool by the end of Preference Round. This strategy ensures nearly 99% of PNMs wishing to join chapters get placed in one. It also means PNMs need to keep an open mind and avoid listening to stereotypes or rumors about chapters, and get a feel for each one in an unbiased way.

You can contact to your Rho Gamma (once assigned) about any of your questions or concerns, or reach out to any member of the Panhellenic Recruitment Team. We are happy to help chat through your thoughts and support you in making the best decision for you. Feel free to email gc-phc-recruitment@uiowa.edu with any questions that may arise.

The dry period is the time from noon on the day of PNM Orientation until noon the day following Bid Day when all PNMs, Rho Gammas, and PHC Executive Officers must abstain from alcohol, regardless of age. This is a rule that we take seriously, as we believe that the most success will come from sober recruiting, and is a rule handed down from the National Panhellenic Conference to all campuses and chapters. If any of these people are caught consuming alcohol, there will be consequences and a conversation regarding that choice.

Do whatever you feel best about! If you have already had it on one setting, don’t let recruitment be the reason you change that. Chapters will never use your social media to weigh decisions about your potential membership. A good rule to follow, is that if you wouldn’t let your grandparent or boss see it, don’t have it on your social media. However, it can be a fun way to show off your personality, style, and values! We know that with the world we live in today, it is super easy to connect with and learn about chapters and their members through social media!

Great question! We recognize that there are tons of questions and concerns parents may have, so you can direct them to the Parent and Family Page.

No problem! Email gc-phc-recruitment@uiowa.edu and explain the exact dates and times you will be gone, as well as a reason (if you are comfortable sharing) and we will work it out! Remember that chapters really want as many chances as they can to get to know you, so attending all rounds is ideal, but if there is a family emergency or event, or class conflict we totally understand!

Everyone looking to join a fraternity or sorority at the University of Iowa will need to attend a council orientation. Not sure which one? Check out our four councils here! We have three councils with sororities and three councils with fraternities. These orientation sessions are a broad overview of what to expect and what should be known as your begin your journey in fraternity and sorority life sessions are a broad overview of what to expect and what should be known as you begin your journey in fraternity and sorority life. Additionally, the Panhellenic Council has some fun social opportunities to meet other interested students leading up to the recruitment process. For those dates, please refer to the dates above.

We are so sorry to hear that, but you can request a refund up until August 6th at 5:00pm by emailing your name (use the one you registered with), your requested refund amount, and a reason for withdrawing to gc-phc-recruitment@uiowa.edu and we will get that done for you!

Great question! You can find the lowest, average, and highest costs associated with a standard year of being a chapter member here. Keep in mind that these do not include the New Member Fee, however those numbers will be available in our PNM Booklet when we distribute it later this fall. Each chapter includes different perks of membership and allocates this money towards different things! We know it is a big financial commitment to make, but we are confident it is worth the investment!