PNM Contract
You will be signing a copy of this contract on Engage once recruitment begins. Please read it over and let us know if you have any questions!
Congratulations! We are so excited to introduce you to your collegiate and Panhellenic experience here in the Hawkeye Nation. We are beyond honored that you are considering joining one of the largest student organizations on campus. Your decision to join a Panhellenic sorority commits you to collegiate years focused on service, academics, connections, leadership, personal development, and a continued goal of improving our campus and community. College lasts for four years, but the memories you will make and bonds you will form last a lifetime. As part of the requirements for participating in Fall Primary Recruitment 2024, you will be expected to comply with the following guidelines. If you fail to comply with the guidelines set forth, you will meet with the Vice President of Recruitment, Vice President of Peer Accountability, and Fraternity and Sorority Life staff to discuss your future in our community.
- You must use your University of Iowa email for all recruitment correspondence.
- You must film and upload a 2-minute introduction video to CampusDirector profile by 11:59 pm on September 15th, following all guidelines provided by Panhellenic. Failure to upload a video is considered a “No Show” for Round 1.
- Respect all Active Sorority Members and respective chapters. Treat the Panhellenic Council, Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff, and the Rho Gammas with respect.
- Use good manners and kind language when conversing with Active Sorority Members and respective chapters about values, morals, and standards.
- Be on time to and attend each event on your schedule. If you miss an event for an unapproved excuse, you will meet with our Panhellenic Recruitment Team.
- Alcohol and drugs are not permitted at ANY time during Primary Recruitment. Any person found breaking this rule will have serious repercussions, not only within the Fraternity and Sorority Community but also with the University of Iowa. This rule is regardless of age.
- If you need accommodations, please contact the Vice President of Recruitment, Annalise Harp at and ask for anything that can aid you in the recruitment process.
- Refrain from attending Interfraternity Council recruitment events, social events, etc., during the Primary Recruitment Process. If found at any of these events, a meeting will be scheduled to discuss repercussions.
- A Potential New Member may be removed from the process if the rules listed above are not being followed.
- As a Potential New Member, I agree to attend and complete PNM Orientation. I understand that I cannot participate and will not be eligible for any form of Panhellenic Recruitment until I do so. PNM Orientation for Primary Recruitment will take place Sunday, September 15th. If a PNM has a conflict and cannot attend PNM Orientation, email the Vice President of Recruitment, Annalise Harp at
- Potential New Members may not bring any electronic recording or listening devices into the chapter structures during rounds of Primary Recruitment. For example, smartphones, smart watches, and microphones are prohibited.
I agree to the contract terms listed above:
Potential New Member Signature Date
Vice President of Recruitment (Annalise Harp) Date
* If you have to miss an event due to a family emergency or serious illness, please contact your Rho Gamma and Vice President of Recruitment, Annalise Harp at