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Panhellenic Recruitment Code of Ethics
As members of the University of Iowa Panhellenic Council, we the undersigned, agree that our vision is a safe, positive, and enriching recruitment experience. The goal is providing opportunities for the greatest possible number of Potential New Members to obtain membership in Panhellenic sororities. In order to reach our common goal, we will strive to build a Panhellenic environment of trust, honesty, unity, and cooperation among all chapters. Therefore, we solemnly promise to:
- Treat ourselves, our sisters/siblings, and the Fraternity and Sorority community with the utmost respect.
- Promote the overall sorority experience, and actively work to improve it.
- Offer every Potential New Member an equal opportunity to find the chapter that best reflects their values, morals, and spirit.
- Promote the safety and well-being of current and prospective members.
- Treat the Potential New Members with the same level of respect before, during, and after the recruitment period.
- Abide by all Panhellenic codes including but not limited to: The Panhellenic Creed, The Potential New Member Bill of Rights, the Panhellenic Recruitment Rules, and the National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements.
- Shine light on the ideals of sisterhood/siblinghood, ensuring every Potential New Member feels empowered to find their home.
- Encourage the Potential New Member to explore freedom of thought in their decision making.
- Educate the Potential New Member about the recruitment process, membership requirements, and internal/external responsibilities.
- Strive to maintain a campus scholastic average that is above the all-women’s average.
- Provide education and resources, and remain transparent in all dealings.
The University of Iowa’s Panhellenic Council desires to build a community that reflects diversity and inclusion within our sorority chapters. While we recognize there is racism and exclusion in our history, we aim to become better allies and honor members from all backgrounds. We commit to create positive change within and beyond our community.