Before signing your Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA)...
Ask yourself these questions:
- I would participate in this sorority’s philanthropy because it is interesting and worthwhile to me
- This sorority seems interested in having me as a member and would celebrate everything I bring to the table
- This sorority has members who I have connected well with during the Recruitment Process
- Being a member of this sorority will have a positive impact on my collegiate career
- I can be myself in this sorority
- This sorority cares about academics and leadership
- This sorority is much more than the stereotypes associated with Fraternity and Sorority Life
- This sorority and I have a lot of our values in common
- This sorority strives for individual growth and makes me want to reach my full potential
- I would happily accept an invitation to join this chapter and could see myself spending 4 years in this chapter
- I won’t have to change who I am to fit in with this sorority
- This sorority will hold me to a high standard and help me achieve great things
- I understand this sorority’s financial obligations
- I can see myself being friends with the members of this sorority
If you can answer “YES!” to most of these, then sign that MRABA! You’ve found a place you can call home! Congratulations!
If you find yourself thinking “nope” to these questions, then maybe that sorority isn’t where you are meant to be!
Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA)
I am willing to accept an invitation to membership from any sorority that I list on this agreement. PNMs should only list the chapters they are willing to join. Refer to the “Before You Sign Your MRABA” page.
I may limit my choices to just one OR list any sorority or women’s fraternity who preference-round (last) event I attended, and from which I am willing to accept membership. I realize that by not listing the maximum number of events I attended, I may be limiting my potential to join any other NPC group during Primary Recruitment should I not be placed with my choice(s).
You can choose to put one or both of the chapters you visited on Preference (last) round. However, if you choose to only list one, there is a lower chance of being matched with a chapter.
Once I submit this agreement to the Panhellenic Association, I cannot change the order of my preferences or add or delete a preference.
Once the form is signed and submitted, the order and selections cannot be altered.
If I do not receive an invitation to membership from a group listed, I am eligible for Continuous Open Bidding.
If you don’t get a bid from any of the chapters you listed, you can still join a chapter through the Continuous Open Bidding process, or Informal Recruitment. Not all chapters will have spots available to members during informal recruitment.
I have the option of not submitting an agreement at this time.
You do not have to submit this or rank any chapters, and can instead withdraw from the Primary Recruitment process.
Once I submit this agreement, I am bound by the National Panhellenic Conference one calendar year rule. This rule states that if through the Primary Recruitment Process, I receive a bid and decline it, then I am ineligible to be pledged to another NPC fraternity on the same campus until the beginning of the next Primary Membership Recruitment Period.
If you receive a bid and change your mind, you cannot join another Panhellenic chapter for one calendar year on our campus. If you transfer to another school, you may participate in the first opportunity available to join a chapter there.